Module |
Purpose |
QuickRef |
Releases |
Revised |
Created |
Authors |
ASCII | Exports constants for special ASCII-characters. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 16/09/1986 | 1986 | AF |
Arrows | Drawing of arrows. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 19/12/1989 | 1989 | AF |
Bits | Manipulations of bits in bytes (8b) or words (16b). | AuxLib | C | - | - | 08/03/1989 | 1989 | OR |
Buttons | Installation and usage of custom push buttons, such as button palettes. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 08/01/1998 | 1990 | OR, FT, AF |
ByteBlockIO | Sequential and random read/write access to an ARRAY OF BYTE. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 10/01/1991 | 1991 | DG |
ComplexLib | Basic operations on complex variables using extended reals (SANE). | AuxLib | C | - | - | 22/05/1987 | 1987 | AI |
Confidence | Computes confidence limits for various distributions. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 08/12/1991 | 1991 | AF |
Console | Terminal input/output using a cursor and a scrollable window. | AuxLib | C | R | - | 15/06/2005 | 1987 | AI, AF |
Conventions | Exports function keys or codes which have a special meaning during input and/or output. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 05/05/1987 | 1986 | AF, AI |
Curves3D | Draws curves in a three dimensional (3D) space and their projections on the coordinate system (CS) planes. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 12/06/1987 | 1986 | MU |
DLists | Handling of dynamic lists. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 13/10/1993 | 1993 | JT |
DatFraAux | Auxiliary routines for more advanced use of Data Frames. It basically extends the functionality of module DataFrames. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 11/04/1998 | 1997 | AF |
DatFraUsage | Supports efficient data usage on behalf of complex systems with large data requirements. It supports selective loading and unloading of a segment of the data, such as all data needed by a subsystem, yet to share commonly needed data as well. The techniques gives such a subsystem full and efficient control over its data in a situation where many such subsystems have to coexist. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 20/06/1998 | 1998 | AF |
DatFraViewer | Allows to inspect all currently present data frames as stored in memory (see module DataFrames). | AuxLib | C | R | W | 10/04/1998 | 1997 | AF |
DatTabAccess | Supports reading of data frames, retrieval of information from the data frames, and the assignment of the data to model objects. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 24/10/1998 | 1997 | DG, AF |
DataFrames | Core routines to work with Data Frames (see also module DatFraAux for more advanced routines). Data Frames are read from file(s) and stored in memory for analysis and subsequent retrieval. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 05/06/1998 | 1997 | AF, DG |
DataTables | Handles data tables. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 09/08/1997 | 1997 | DG, AF |
DblLnkLists | Most basic routines for dynamic, doubly linked lists. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 03/05/1998 | 1998 | AF |
DebugHelper | Helps generally to debug programs. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 07/03/1997 | 1997 | AF |
DiscrSpaces | Management of discrete spaces spanned by user-defined basis vectors (dimensions). | AuxLib | C | R | W | 05/05/1998 | 1998 | DG, AF |
DrawAgePyram | Draws within a separate window an age pyramid for both sexes of an age structured population. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 16/11/1992 | 1990 | AF, HB |
DrawParSpace | Allows to draw in a separate window the parameter space of 2 ModelWorks model parameters. | AuxLib | C | R | - | 10/05/1997 | 1994 | AF |
EasyAbout | Utilities to manage an about procedure of an application. | AuxLib | C | R | - | 13/06/2002 | 2001 | AF |
EasyWindow | Manages a simple "Dialog Machine" window to draw or show results from computations. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 05/10/1995 | 1995 | AF |
Errors | Provides simple and consistent error handling for errors detected by algorithms from library modules. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 31/03/1998 | 1995 | AF |
ExtMathLib | Basic functions and conversions for extended reals (80-bit, SANE). | AuxLib | C | - | - | 03/07/2006 | 1986 | AI |
FileErrInfo | Informs about the status of a file. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 04/05/1996 | 1987 | OR |
FileNameStrs | String manipulation routines needed to work with directory and file names. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 02/06/1991 | 1990 | AF |
FormulIntrpr | Management and computation of mathematical formulas/expressions given in form of strings. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 24/04/1996 | 1988 | OR, AF, RZ |
FormulVars | Declaration and removal of real variables identified via identifiers. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 07/06/1993 | 1993 | AF |
Graphics3D | Provides routines for three dimensional (3D) drawing and a graphic coordinate system (CS) editor. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 15/07/1988 | 1986 | MU |
Handlers | Management of event handlers which can be added and removed to particular event classes (dynamic class) by any number of clients and within a multilevel programming environment. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 04/03/1997 | 1997 | AF |
HashTables | Provides hash tables. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 07/03/1997 | 1997 | AF |
Help | Implementation of a small help system that looks like a HyperCard stack. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 24/01/1992 | 1991 | AF, HB |
Histograms | Draws histograms. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 23/04/1996 | 1987 | AF |
IdentParMod | Identification parallel model which can identify parameters of any discrete time model system with a single output within RAMSES (Fischlin, 1991). | AuxLib | C | R | - | 08/06/2002 | 1997 | AF |
IdentifyPars | Identifies parameters of a "ModelWorks" model implemented as a model definition program. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 08/06/2002 | 1990 | OR, AF |
InputGenerator | Generate different types of input signals. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 31/10/1986 | 1986 | AI |
Jacobi | Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 15/04/1992 | 1992 | DG |
JacobiL | Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 14/09/1999 | 1992 | DG |
Journaling | Write textual output simultaneously to a window and to a journal text file. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 05/03/1991 | 1989 | AF |
JumpTab | Manage jump tables of file positions in text files. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 07/12/1992 | 1992 | JT |
LMatInvert | Compute the inverse of a double precision matrix and solve a linear equation system (matrix dimensions up to 62 x 62). | AuxLib | C | R | W | 14/09/1999 | 1995 | DG |
LMathProcs | Some often used mathematical functions (LONGREAL variant) | AuxLib | C | R | W | 19/08/2007 | 1986 | AF, OR |
LMatrices | Manage double precision matrices and vectors, various operations (matrix dimensions up to 62 x 62). | AuxLib | C | R | W | 14/09/1999 | 1995 | DG |
Lists | Management of lists, interactive item selection. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 02/09/1991 | 1989 | OR, AF |
LogNTransf | Estimate parameters of Log-Normal distributions and perform transformations. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 19/12/1996 | 1996 | DG |
MatAccess | Access matrices and their elements. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 28/05/1993 | 1990 | AF, OR |
MatCopy | Basic procedures for copying matrix parts or whole matrices to other matrices. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 03/07/2006 | 1990 | OR, AF |
MatDeclare | Manage real matrices. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 28/05/1993 | 1990 | AF, OR |
MatFile | Read matrices from file. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 24/04/1996 | 1990 | AF, OR |
MathProcs | Some often used mathematical functions (REAL variant). | AuxLib | C | R | W | 22/03/1993 | 1986 | OR, AF |
Matrices | Types needed to define 2-dimensional matrix objects consisting of real elements. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 01/06/1993 | 1991 | AF, OR |
MsgFile | Retrieval of numbered textual messages from a text file. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 29/04/1991 | 1991 | AF |
MultiNormal | Generate variates from a multinormal distribution. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 04/04/2000 | 1992 | DG |
PatSelect | Display a window for selecting a color and/or pattern. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 23/04/1996 | 1989 | OR |
Patterns | Provide useful bit patterns. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 23/04/1996 | 1988 | OR |
PolyLib | Types and procedures to form polynomials and to find their complex roots. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 25/11/1986 | 1986 | AI |
PosixAndHFS | Translate POSIX (Unix) path strings into Macintosh HFS (Hierarchical File System) path strings and vice versa. | AuxLib | C | R | - | 04/03/2005 | 2005 | AF |
Preferences | Manage preferences on behalf of a program. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 02/02/1997 | 1996 | AF |
Protocolling | Protocolling of current activity in a separate protocol window. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 03/09/1990 | 1990 | AF |
Queues | Utilities needed for discrete event simulations involving queues. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 17/03/1993 | 1993 | AF |
RandGen | Basic pseudo-random number generator producing uniformly distributed variates within interval (0,1). | AuxLib | C | R | W | 31/08/1989 | 1988 | AF |
RandGen0 | Simple random number generators often used in stochastic simulations. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 03/12/1993 | 1993 | AF |
RandGen1 | Provides different random number generators. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 09/05/1996 | 1990 | TN |
RandNormal | Computation of normally distributed variates. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 22/03/1993 | 1987 | AF |
Randoms | Implements a multiplicative linear congruential random number generator. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 25/02/1998 | 1998 | AF |
ReadData | Utilities to read and test data while reading from a file with data in columnar form. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 15/03/1991 | 1989 | AF, TN, OR, FT |
RelHandler | Management of n:n-type relations between objects. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 06/05/1996 | 1991 | DG |
ScanAux | Auxiliary procedures for scanning with the aid of module "Scanner". | AuxLib | C | R | W | 10/12/1996 | 1996 | DG |
Scanner | Maintains several symbol tables and scans sequentially the contents of a string buffer or a file. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 20/03/2003 | 1994 | DG, JT |
Selector | Modal dialog to select items from a scrollable list of items. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 19/06/1998 | 1995 | AF |
SimDatAccess | Read data frames and assign data to ModelWorks objects. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 25/05/1998 | 1997 | AF, DG |
SimDatAux | Support the use of models and their needed data as provided by data frames. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 25/05/1998 | 1997 | AF |
SimDatDump | Dumps all currently known models plus model objects as data frames onto a file. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 01/05/1998 | 1997 | AF |
SimLib0 | Basic procedures for the integration of systems of differential or difference equations. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 15/04/1986 | 1986 | MU |
SimpleSounds | Produce simple, for instance plain, sounds with a given freqency and duration. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 01/07/1988 | 1988 | AF |
SortLib | Sorting of REALs by various methods. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 02/08/1987 | 1987 | OR |
SoundDriver | Synthesize sounds. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 28/06/1988 | 1986 | CP, AF |
Splines | Cubic splines, cyclic splines, bezier curves and open or closed curve drawings. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 29/06/1990 | 1990 | OR |
StandardIO | Standard read/write routines to a window. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 29/03/1993 | 1987 | OR, AF |
StatAux | Various statistical functions and procedures. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 19/12/1996 | 1992 | DG |
StatLib | Basic statistical functions and procedures. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 04/09/1988 | 1988 | OR |
StateEvents | Support the detection of state events in ModelWorks simulations. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 10/03/1994 | 1994 | AF |
StochStat | Statistical analysis and visualization of results from stochastic simulation runs. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 05/06/2002 | 1990 | TN, AF |
StructModAux | Utilities for working with structured ModelWorks models. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 11/06/1998 | 1994 | AF |
SubmodelSet | General mechanism to notify model components of a structured model system about activation respectively deactivation of one another. | AuxLib | C | R | - | 11/05/1997 | 1997 | AF |
SymCompare | Line-by-line comparison of the symbols found in two text files. | AuxLib | C | R | - | 09/04/2005 | 2001 | DG, AF |
TabFunc | Interpolate/extrapolate functions defined by a table of values. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 09/03/1992 | 1989 | OR, DG, FT |
TableHandler | Tabulate strings in alphabetically sorted order. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 05/05/1998 | 1987 | OR, AF, FT |
TableLists | Extends the functionality of module TableHandler. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 19/05/1998 | 1996 | AF, DG |
TimeSeries | Handle REAL-vectors/matrices (e.g., time series). | AuxLib | C | R | W | 17/07/1995 | 1995 | DG |
WriteDatTim | Writing of date and time. | AuxLib | C | R | W | 25/11/1990 | 1988 | AF |
WriteRTF | Create and write Rich Text Format (RTF) files. | AuxLib | C | - | - | 15/04/1989 | 1989 | OR |