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    Module  DMEntryForms     ('Dialog Machine' DM_V3.0)

      Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   Manage entry forms for data entry in a
              modal dialog.

    Remarks   Entry forms allow the user to enter data to an
              application program.  The entering of
              values for all elementary data types, characters,
              strings, numbers (integers, cardinals, reals),
              and so-called controls (pushbuttons, radio buttons,
              checkboxes, scroll bars) are supported.

              Method:  The content of entry forms are defined
              by means of declarative procedure calls.  They
              define size and position of editing
              fields associated with a variable of the specifed
              data type. Fields may be used for the entry
              of characters, strings, integers, cardinals, reals,
              and other input (e.g. pushbuttons, analog input by
              means of scroll bars, checkboxes, and radio
              buttons).  Positions within the dialog window are
              specified by a grid.  Each cell has the
              average width of a character of the currently used
              font. Once the specifications of the dialog window
              have been made, it may be activated anytime in
              order to request the actual input.  A
              standard set of push-buttons is
              added automatically to allow the user to signal his
              acceptance or to abort the input.

              This module belongs to the 'Dialog Machine'.


      o Design
        Andreas Fischlin          23/01/1986

      o Implementation
        Andreas Fischlin          23/01/1986

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  20/04/1991  AF


  FROM DMConversions IMPORT RealFormat;

  (*#####   Declarations of editable fields   #####*)


    FormFrame = RECORD x,y: INTEGER; lines,columns: CARDINAL END;
        (x,y) defines the position of lower left corner relative to
        background (see module DMWindows). (Any attempt to position
        a portion of the entry form outside the screen results in
        the positioning of the form in the centre of the screen;
        not only does this avoid an inaccessable entry form, but it
        has also offers the possibility to position the entry form
        automatically in the middle of the screen, e.g. by passing
        negative values for x and y, where the user will recognize
        it most easily). The size of the form is specified in
        character cells, i.e. the width of the form in columns and
        height in lines.

    DefltUse = (useAsDeflt, noDeflt);


    FieldInstalled: BOOLEAN;  (*returns success of any declaration*)
    notInstalledRadioButton: RadioButtonID;
      Read only variable which may be used for variables of type
      RadioButtonID to denote that the item has not yet been
      installed. It is a good programming practice to assign this
      value to all variables of type RadioButtonID during the
      initialization phase of your program or after returning from
      editing an entry form (see below procedure UseEntryForm).

  PROCEDURE WriteLabel(line,col: CARDINAL; text: ARRAY OF CHAR);
    (*may be used to display any additional textual information*)


  The following procedures support the entry of elementary data
  types.  Data is entered by defining fields with width fw (in char
  cells).  The data entry field will be displayed by enclosing it
  with a rectangular frame.  When declaring a field, a variable of
  the corresponding type has to be provided which will contain the
  value entered during the dialog after the entry form has been
  activated by procedure UseEntryForm.  Note, that the declaration
  of the result variable has to be made on a scope level above or
  equal to the one on which the dialog window is activated, i.e.
  the variable must of course exist at the time of data entry. Data
  entries are automatically tested for correct syntax and their
  values.  The syntax is that of Modula-2 and the ranges of the
  accepted values may be provided by entering appropriate values
  for the interval boundaries (the interval boundaries are legal
  values). An open interval may be created by assigning to either
  of the boundary values the system dependent values MIN(Type) or
  MAX(Type). In case one wishes to provide default values, they may
  be passed into the edit field by assigning the default values to
  the result variable before activating the entry form. Note that
  in the latter case, the field declaration must use useAsDeflt as
  actual value for the formal parameter du (default use).


  PROCEDURE CharField(line,col: CARDINAL; VAR ch: CHAR; du: DefltUse;
                      legalCharset: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      The character ch is only accepted if its value is equal to
      one of the characters contained in the string legalCharset
      (tests are made case sensitive, hence to allow for case
      insensitive entry you must specify in legalCharset all
      possibilities, e.g. "AaBbCcDd..." etc.).  If any character is
      acceptable, pass an empty legalCharset ("").  Normally
      exactly one character must be entered by the user, i.e. not
      none nor more than one character are acceptable.  There can
      be made an exception to this rule so that no entry becomes
      acceptable too, by listing the character ASCII DEL (177C) as
      the very first in legalCharset.

  PROCEDURE StringField(line,col: CARDINAL; fw: CARDINAL;
                        VAR string: ARRAY OF CHAR; du: DefltUse);
    (*any string may be entered*)

  PROCEDURE CardField(line,col: CARDINAL;
                      fw: CARDINAL; (*maximum number of digits expected*)
                      VAR card: CARDINAL; du: DefltUse;
                      minCard,maxCard: CARDINAL);
  PROCEDURE LongCardField (line,col: CARDINAL; fw: CARDINAL;
                      VAR longCard: LONGCARD; du: DefltUse;
                      minLCard,maxLCard: LONGCARD);
      card resp. longCard are only accepted if the syntax is legal
      and if the value falls within the range [minCard..maxCard]

  PROCEDURE IntField(line,col: CARDINAL;
                     fw: CARDINAL; (*max number of digits+1 expected*)
                     VAR int: INTEGER; du: DefltUse;
                     minInt,maxInt: INTEGER);
  PROCEDURE LongIntField (line,col: CARDINAL; fw: CARDINAL;
                     VAR longInt: LONGINT; du: DefltUse;
                     minLInt,maxLInt: LONGINT);
      int resp. longInt are only accepted if the syntax is legal
      and if the value falls within the range [minInt..maxInt]

  PROCEDURE RealField(line,col: CARDINAL;
                      fw: CARDINAL; (*max number of digits+4 expected*)
                      VAR real: REAL; du: DefltUse;
                      minReal,maxReal: REAL);
  PROCEDURE LongRealField (line,col: CARDINAL;
                      fw,dig: CARDINAL; fmt: RealFormat;
                      VAR longReal: LONGREAL; du: DefltUse;
                      minLReal,maxLReal: LONGREAL);
      real resp. longReal are only accepted if the syntax is legal
      and if the value falls within range [minReal..maxReal]. dig
      allows to specify the number of decimal digits, fmt the
      notation which will be used when displaying the number.


  The usual Macintosh data entry facilities, the so-called controls,
  are supported by the following objects.


  PROCEDURE PushButton(line,col: CARDINAL; buttonText: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                       buttonWidth: CARDINAL; (*in char cells*)
                       pushButtonAction: PROC);
      The pushbutton labelled with the text buttonText (displayed
      in the middle of the pushbutton) is placed with its left
      side starting at char cell (line,col).  If the pushbutton
      is pressed (mouse click within the button), the associated
      procedure pushButtonAction is called.

  PROCEDURE DefineRadioButtonSet(VAR radioButtonVar: RadioButtonID);

  PROCEDURE RadioButton(VAR radButt: RadioButtonID;
                        line,col: CARDINAL; text: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      The radio button is placed in char cell (line,col),the text
      is written  to the right of the button. The initially
      selected button is defined by the value assigned to variable
      radioButtonVar before calling procedure UseEntryForm

  PROCEDURE CheckBox(line,col: CARDINAL; text: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                     VAR checkBoxVar: BOOLEAN);
      the check box is placed in char cell (line,col), the text is
      written to the right of the check box. The initial selection
      is determined by the value assigned to variable checkBox
      before calling procedure UseEntryForm.

  (*#####   Entry Form Activation   #####*)


  The following procedures serve the activation of an entry form.
  Note, that any declarations made before the actual activation
  will be interpreted only at this moment.  Hence, any assignments
  of default values to an editingfield will be done just before
  displaying the form.  All forms will be displayed automatically
  with a "OK" pushbutton as well as a "Cancel" pushbutton. Values
  entered are considered to be valid only if the data entering
  dialog has been terminated by issuing any of these two commands,
  i.e. in the latter case, the values returned for individual items
  should be considered undefined and should not be used for any
  subsequent computations.  Note that the proper treatment of this
  situation is entirely the programmers responsibility. Only in the
  case that the form is accepted ("OK" return) is it guaranteed
  that the values of the individual dialog items confine to the
  specifications made during their declarations. Returning from a
  dialog implies the dismissal of its associated entry form, i.e.
  any items to be reused have to be redeclared again before another
  entry form may be requested.

  Note: Entry forms together with Alerts, belong to the class
        of so-called modal dialogs.  A modal dialog forces the
        user to finish the dialog by at least one answer
        (activating the "OK"- pushbutton by clicking the mouse
        on it (or its keyboard equivalents, hitting the "Return"
        or "Enter" key) corresponds to the final acceptance of
        all entries made during the dialog.  A second minimal
        answer may consist of the dismissal of all entries
        made during the dialog, i.e. the activation of the
        "Cancel"-pushbutton, respectively its keyboard
        equivalent, which is pressing the "Command"-key
        (Cloverleaf-key) simultaneously with the backspace key).

        Also, a modeless dialog allows the user to make his entries
        any time he wishes, i.e. he may turn his attention in the
        middle of data entries to other activities before he
        actually terminates the dialog by requesting the system to
        do something with his data entered during the dialog.


  PROCEDURE UseEntryForm(bf: FormFrame; VAR ok: BOOLEAN);

     Use the entry form defined sofar by displaying its window
     containing all the declared fields ready for data entry.
     Pushing the "OK"-pushbutton or the "Cancel"-pushbutton
     dismisses the form and terminates the associated modal dialog.

END DMEntryForms.

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