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DEFINITION MODULE TallyMonit; (******************************************************************* Module TallyMonit (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 2006 by Dimitrios Gyalistras and ETH Zurich. Purpose Procedures for automated monitoring and filing of ISIS variables and grids. Remarks Uses modules Grids, Tallies and FileInfos. Programming o Design Dimitrios Gyalistras 30/03/2006 o Implementation Dimitrios Gyalistras 30/03/2006 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 21/06/2006 DG & AF *******************************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS; FROM DMFiles IMPORT TextFile; IMPORT Errors; FROM Grids IMPORT GridData; FROM Tallies IMPORT Tally; (***********************) (*##### Types #####*) (***********************) CONST notDone = Errors.onlyAnInsert; (* The procedures exported below return errCode = Errors.allOk if the call to the procedure was succesfull, and resCode = notDone if not. *) CONST tallyMonitIntAttrVal = -9999; (* Tally objects declared by this module are marked with the above integer attribute value. These objects should not be modified in order to guarantee correct functioning of this module. To learn about a Tally object's current integer attribute value use procedure Tallies.TallyIntAttr. *) TYPE TalliedObject = ADDRESS; (*****************************************************) (*##### Procedures for automated monitoring #####*) (*****************************************************) PROCEDURE InitSimRuns ( outFilesSetId : ARRAY OF CHAR; numRuns : INTEGER; numMonitEventsPerRun : INTEGER; outFNamesPrfx : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR monitoredVarsList : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR skippedVarsList : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR resCode : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* Initializes automated monitoring of multiple simulation runs. This includes the following actions: 1. Preparation of information on requested output files. This information is retrieved from the currently loaded data frames for the output files set named "outFilesSetId". See also procedure "FileInfos.DeclareFileInfosFromDataFrames". 2. Preparation of all tallies needed to produce ASCII text (matrix) formatted file output after termination of all simulation runs (see procedure "TermSimRuns" below). 3. Preparation of all output files needed to produce binary/ lola formatted output during the simulation runs (see procedure "DoMonitoring" below). Variable "monitoredVarsList" returns for each output file from the specified output files set "outFilesSetId" a list of all variables that are ready to be be monitored when procedure "DoMonitoring" (see below) is called. Variable "skippedVarsList" returns for each output file a list of all variables that can not be monitored, because no corresponding objects (output variables or grids) could be identified by "InitSimRuns". The identifiers of output files and variables in the two *VarsList variables are separated by the special characters "|" and ",", respectively. (to be continued) *) PROCEDURE DoMonitoring( runNr : INTEGER; simTime : REAL; monitEventNr : INTEGER ); PROCEDURE TermSimRuns( outFNamesPrfx : ARRAY OF CHAR; matrixDescr : ARRAY OF CHAR ); (**********************************************************) (*##### Support of explicit monitoring by client #####*) (**********************************************************) TYPE TallyingP = PROCEDURE ( Tally, (* tally *) INTEGER, (* i1 = runNr *) INTEGER, (* i2 = monitEventNr *) TalliedObject, (* tallied object attribute *) LONGINT ); (* tallied object attribute *) PROCEDURE SetTallyingP( varId : ARRAY OF CHAR; adrAttr : TalliedObject; liAttr : LONGINT; tp : TallyingP ); PROCEDURE GetTallyingP( varId : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR adrAttr : TalliedObject; VAR liAttr : LONGINT; VAR tp : TallyingP ); PROCEDURE GiveUpTallyingP( varId: ARRAY OF CHAR ); TYPE GridDataMonitP = PROCEDURE ( VAR TextFile, (* outFile *) GridData, (* gridData *) INTEGER, (* dataLayerNr *) LONGINT, (* date *) LONGINT ); (* time *) PROCEDURE SetGridDataMonitP( varId : ARRAY OF CHAR; gdmp : GridDataMonitP ); PROCEDURE GetGridDataMonitP( varId : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR gdmp : GridDataMonitP ); PROCEDURE GiveUpGridDataMonitP( varId: ARRAY OF CHAR ); END TallyMonit.