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DEFINITION MODULE TableHandler; (******************************************************************* Module TableHandler (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 1987-2006 by Olivier Roth, Andreas Fischlin, Frank Thommen and ETH Zurich. Purpose Tabulate strings in alphabetically sorted order. Remarks Based on a module from N. Wirth, "Programming in Modula-2", Springer, 1983 (2nd ed.). Programming o Design Olivier Roth 19/01/1987 Andreas Fischlin 15/08/1988 o Implementation Olivier Roth 19/01/1987 Andreas Fischlin 15/08/1988 Frank Thommen 18/03/1993 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 05/05/1998 AF *******************************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS; FROM DMStrings IMPORT String; TYPE Table; TableItem = Table; RealPtr = POINTER TO REAL; ProcPtr = POINTER TO ADDRESS; ItemProc = PROCEDURE ( TableItem ); VAR notExistingTable: Table; (* read only for initialization *) notExistingItem: TableItem; (* read only for initialization *) errcode : CARDINAL; (* 0 -> no error occured 1 -> table (=notExistingTable) involved in operation 2 -> table full 3 -> procedure execution denied (called during traversing tree) 4 -> attempt to record with a t in branch instead of the same t as used while calling InitTable 5 -> garbage collection failed because of too long identifiers (current limit 1024 characters) 6 -> table item has already been previously recorded (only returned by routine RecordRealAndGetStr) *) PROCEDURE InitTable( VAR t: Table ); (* initializes table t (no effect when traversing) *) PROCEDURE DeleteTable( VAR t: Table ); (* deletes table t and frees allocated memory (no effect when traversing). *) PROCEDURE TableExists(t: Table): BOOLEAN; (* returns TRUE if table t exists. *) PROCEDURE RecordReal(t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR r: REAL; attr: ADDRESS); (* enter id,r,attr in table t (overrides old r if id already in table!); no effect when traversing *) PROCEDURE RecordProc(t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR; p: ProcPtr; attr: ADDRESS); (* enter id,p,attr in table t (overrides old p if id already in table!); no effect when traversing *) PROCEDURE RecordRealAndGetStr(t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR r: REAL; attr: ADDRESS; VAR str: String); (* same as RecordReal, but returns the recorded string reference associated with identifier id, making an subsequent, possibly costly call to procedure FindStr unnecessary. There is another important difference: In case the identifier id has already been recorded previously, that entry won't be changed (str is still returned fully) and errcode is set to the value 6. This behavior may be exploited to enhance efficiency, because it can make a preceeding call such as FindReal superfluous. The latter is necessary in a context where a duplicate recording is forbidden and the first entry ought to be protected from overwriting. Fails while traversing *) PROCEDURE DeleteItem(VAR t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* removes string id from table; no effect when traversing. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION: Deleting does not simply delete items, but may change addresses of recorded, still valid items. Thus, you MUST NOT remember the values of items (TableItem) by means of procedure FindTableItem (see below) or while traversing trees (see below TraverseTree), or you might get completely unpredictable results. *) PROCEDURE FindRealPtr(t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR): RealPtr; (* returns the RealPtr associated with string id in table t. returns NIL if not found; fails while traversing. *) PROCEDURE FindReal(t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR): REAL; (* returns the real value associated with string id in table t. returns NaN if not found; fails while traversing. *) PROCEDURE FindProcPtr(t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR): ProcPtr; (* returns the ProcPtr associated with string id in table t. returns NIL if not found; fails while traversing. *) PROCEDURE FindAttribute(t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR): ADDRESS; (* returns the attribute associated with string id in table t, returns NIL if not found; fails while traversing. *) PROCEDURE FindRealPtrAndAttr(t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR rp: RealPtr): ADDRESS; (* returns the RealPtr plus attribute associated with string id in table t, returns NIL if not found; fails while traversing. *) PROCEDURE FindStr (t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR): String; (* returns the String reference associated with identifier id in table t, returns notAllocatedStr from DMStrings if not found; NOTE: In contrast to the TableItem at which an entry into a table is recorded, you may remember the string reference, it won't change, even if you delete items in the table (see also comment of procedure DeleteItem above or FindTableItem below). Fails while traversing. *) PROCEDURE FindTableItem (t: Table; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR): TableItem; (* Returns the TableItem at which string id is currently stored in table t; returns NIL if id is not in table t. WARNING/IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION: Don't remember the returned value, since any restructuring of t, e.g. by recording or deleting items in the table may change all TableItem values. They are only useful temporarily, typically to call immediately afterwards one of the procedures requiring a TableItem as argument (see below). Fails while traversing. *) (* The following procedures are usefull in combination with procedure TraverseTree, and FindTableItem: *) PROCEDURE ShowItemString( item: TableItem; VAR id: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* gets the string stored in the actual table item. ! assumes that item is correct! *) PROCEDURE ItemValue ( item: TableItem ): REAL; PROCEDURE ItemRealPtr( item: TableItem ): RealPtr; PROCEDURE ItemProcPtr( item: TableItem ): ProcPtr; PROCEDURE ItemAttr ( item: TableItem ): ADDRESS; PROCEDURE ItemStr ( item: TableItem ): String; (* returns respectively the value, procPtr or attr stored with the actual table item. ! assumes that item is correct! *) PROCEDURE TraverseTree( startAt: TableItem; doWithItem: ItemProc ); (* traverses (sub-)tree starting with item startAt and performs procedure doWithItem for every item found *) END TableHandler.