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DEFINITION MODULE SimMaster; (***************************************************************** Module SimMaster (MW_V3.0) Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Markus Ulrich, Andreas Fischlin, Dimitrios Gyalistras and ETH Zurich. Purpose Master module controlling the 'ModelWorks' simulation environment. Remarks This module uses the 'Dialog Machine' for conducting the user dialog during an interactive simulation session. This module is part of the mandatory client interface of 'ModelWorks', an interactive Modula-2 modelling and simulation environment. Programming o Design Markus Ulrich 09/09/1986 Andreas Fischlin 22/04/1989 Dimitrios Gyalistras 02/05/1989 o Implementation Markus Ulrich 09/09/1986 Andreas Fischlin 22/04/1989 Dimitrios Gyalistras 02/05/1989 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 05/01/1994 DG *******************************************************************) (****************************************************************) (* Running of the standard interactive simulation environment *) (****************************************************************) PROCEDURE RunSimEnvironment( initSimEnv: PROC ); (* Starts the standard interactive simulation environment of ModelWorks. This procedure is typically called within the body of a program module (a "model definition program", in short "MDP") containing or importing model definitions. Procedure "initSimEnv" may be used to extend the standard simulation environment by e.g. installing additional menus with their commands or also to install a particular model. See the description of the "Dialog Machine" to see how user interface extensions are programmed. Typically, initSimEnv will contain calls to procedures such as DMMenus.InstallMenu or DMWindows.CreateWindow. A sample program text follows: MODULE MyModelDefProg; FROM DMMenus IMPORT InstallMenu,...; FROM DMWindows IMPORT CreateWindow,...; FROM SimMaster IMPORT RunSimEnvironment; FROM SimBase IMPORT DeclM,...; ... PROCEDURE ModelDefinitions; BEGIN DeclM(...); DeclM(...); ... END ModelDefinitions; PROCEDURE InitMySimEnvironment; BEGIN InstallMenu(...); CreateWindow(...); END InitMySimEnvironment; BEGIN ModelDefinitions; RunSimEnvironment( InitMySimEnvironment ); END MyModelDefProg; RunSimEnvironment may be called more then once given that each new call occurs on a next higher subprogram level (see also DMMaster, DMSystem, and DMOpSys). If you wish to exit the simulation environment under control of another program (i.e. not by selecting the command "File/Quit") call StopRun followed by a call to the DialogMachine-procedure DMMaster.QuitDialogMachine. (Re)starting of the interactive simulation environment after exiting it on a certain sub- program level is possible by calling RunSimEnvironment again. *) PROCEDURE SimEnvRunning( progLevel: CARDINAL ):BOOLEAN; (* Returns true if RunSimEnvironment has been called on the program level progLevel. SimEnvRunning( DMSystem.CurrentDMLevel() ) checks whether the simulation environment runs on your program's level. *) PROCEDURE InstallDefSimEnv( defineSimEnv: PROC ); (* Install the procedure "defineSimEnv" as the client procedure used to (re)define the interactive simulation environment immediately after ModelWorks objects, such as the regular menu bar and IO-windows, have been activated and displayed and after the simulation environment initialization procedure (see "RunSimEnvironment" above) has been called. In particular, "defineSimEnv" may be reexecuted by the simulationist by choosing the menu command "Settings/Define simulation environment". Typical usage of this procedure will open an additional window for customized output or will read data from a file. *) PROCEDURE ExecuteDefSimEnv; (* Executes the simulation environment (re)definition procedure installed bu means of InstallDefSimEnv at the current program level. *) (***************************************************************) (* States of the simulation environment *) (***************************************************************) TYPE MWState = (noSimulation, (* no simulation going on *) simulating, (* during simulation *) pause, (* current simulation temporarily halted *) noModel); (* no models declared *) MWSubState = (noRun, (* in an experiment but not in SimMaster.SimRun *) running, (* in an experiment and in SimMaster.SimRun *) noSubState, (* not in an experiment *) stopped); (* in an experiment which has been stopped (killed) *) PROCEDURE GetMWState(VAR s: MWState); PROCEDURE GetMWSubState(VAR ss: MWSubState); (* Allows to determine the current state of ModelWorks during a simulation session. *) PROCEDURE InstallStateChangeSignaling( doAtStateChange: PROC ); (* Installs the client's procedure "doAtStateChange" in ModelWorks which will be called each time a change in the state of ModelWorks during a simulation session occurs. The current state my be obtained by calling GetMWState and GetMWSubState (see above). *) (***************************************************************) (* Simulation run conditions *) (***************************************************************) TYPE StartConsistencyProcedure = PROCEDURE(): BOOLEAN; TerminateConditionProcedure = PROCEDURE(): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE InstallStartConsistency( startAllowed: StartConsistencyProcedure ); (* Procedure "startAllowed" is called at the begin of a simulation run, right after the execution of the "Initial"-procedures of all models (see procedure SimBase.DeclM) or before resuming a simulation run after a pause. If it returns FALSE, the simulation will be aborted and the simulation environment returns to the program state "noSimulation" if no experiment is currently running or to the state "simulating/noRun", if an experiment is currently executed. If startAllowed returns TRUE the simulation is normally continued. Typically this procedure is used to check consistency in the initial conditions, e.g. to test relations among parameters and initial values. Since the simulationist may interactively change values of parameters independently from each other (entry forms test only range errors), this consistency test is important in case the model equations would be undefined if the conditions were not met. *) PROCEDURE InstallTerminateCondition( isAtEnd: TerminateConditionProcedure ); (* Procedure "isAtEnd" is called at the end of each time (integration) step during simulation. If it returns TRUE, the simulation will be terminated. i.e one of the states "noSimulation" or "simulating/noRun" is assumed, the latter being the case if an experiment is currently executed. Note however, that this mechanism does not correspond to a real state event handling, as no iterations to find exact values and location on time axis are executed. *) (***************************************************************) (* Control of elementary and structured simulation runs *) (***************************************************************) PROCEDURE SimRun; (* Perform a single simulation run with the current parameter and other variable settings. Typically this routine is used to do several simulation runs, e.g. the construction of a whole phase portrait by means of a single menu command or to indentify a model parameter. *) PROCEDURE PauseRun; (* Sets the flag for the state transition from the program state "simulating" into the program state "pause" and will only return after the simulationist has chosen the menu command "Resume run" under menu "Solve" or until the procedure ResumeRun is called, e.g. by means of an additionally installed menu. *) PROCEDURE ResumeRun; (* Sets the flag for the state transition from the program state "pause" into the program state "simulating". *) PROCEDURE StopRun; (* Sets the flag for the state transition from one of the program states "simulating" or "pause" into one of the program states "noSimulation" or "noModel" (the second state is assumed if no models are present after termination of the run). *) PROCEDURE InstallExperiment( doExperiment: PROC ); (* Install an experiment which may be executed by the user by selecting the menu command "Start Experiment" under menu "Solve" which corresponds to the call of procedure SimExperiment. The procedure "doExperiment" is provided by the modeller and contains typically calls to the procedure SimRun (see above). *) PROCEDURE SimExperiment; (* Performs the experiment declared for the current program level by means of procedure InstallExperiment. *) PROCEDURE StopExperiment; (* If an experiment is currently running, this procedure sets the flag for the state transition from the program state/substate "simulating/running" or "pause/running" into the program state "simulating/stopped". In this new state any further calls to SimRun are discarded until your experiment-procedure is actually finished. Than one of the states "noSimulation" or "noModel" is assumed, according to whether any models are present after termination of the experiment or not. To stop only an individual simulation run, but not the entire experiment, use StopRun or InstallTerminateCondition (see above). *) PROCEDURE ExperimentRunning(): BOOLEAN; (* ExperimentRunning returns true if a structured simulation run is currently in execution, i.e. if the simulationist has reached the state simulating by selecting the menu command "Start experiment" from menu "Solve" or if the procedure SimExperiment has been called. It corresponds to the boolean expression "MWSubState<>noSubState". *) PROCEDURE ExperimentAborted(): BOOLEAN; (* ExperimentAborted returns true if a running structured simulation (experiment) has been stopped (killed) by the simulationist or due to a call to StopExperiment. It corresponds to the boolean expression "MWSubState=stopped". *) PROCEDURE CurrentSimNr(): INTEGER; (* Returns the current simulation run number k. This procedure is typically called in the client procedure Initial, e.g. to assign parameter values depending on the current run k in a structured simulation (k = 1, 2, 3, ...). *) PROCEDURE CurrentTime(): REAL; (* Returns the current simulation time. *) PROCEDURE CurrentStep(): INTEGER; (* Returns the index associated to the current discrete time, i.e. the number of coincidence timepoints that have occurred till now since begin of the simulation (if the current timepoint is a coincidence timepoint, it has already occurred). *) PROCEDURE LastCoincidenceTime():REAL; (* Returns the last coincidence time, i.e. the last timepoint at which the state of any possibly declared discrete models would have been updated. *) END SimMaster.