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    Module  FileInfos     (Version 1.0)

      Copyright (c) 2006 by Dimitrios Gyalistras and ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   Handle information on format and content of
              files containing numerical data for any number
              of variables (e.g., simulation results).

    Remarks   The following types of information are supported:

                - file format ('matrix', 'lola', 'other')

                - file contents (unspecified data,
                  various statistics, histograms)

                - basic file attributes (an address,
                  a long integer)

                - any number of variables per file

                - basic variable attributes (a pointer
                  to address the variable's data, a
                  procedure to be associated with the
                  variable, an address, a long integer).

              This module further provides procedures for
              defining 'FileInfo' objects from data frames
              based on a formally defined syntax.


      o Design
        Dimitrios Gyalistras      25/01/2006

      o Implementation
        Dimitrios Gyalistras      25/01/2006

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  22/06/2006  DG


  IMPORT Errors;

    allOk   = Errors.allOk;
    notDone = Errors.onlyAnInsert;
      The procedures exported below return resCode = allOk if the call
      to the procedure was succesfull, and resCode = notDone if not.

  (*#####   General declarations   #####*)


    DataPtr        = ADDRESS;
    FIObjAdrAttr   = ADDRESS;

    FileFormatType = ( undefFileFormat, mat1, mat2, lola, other );
    StatisticsType = ( undefStatistic,
                       n, mean, sd, skw,
                       min, p05, p10, p25, med, p75, p90, p95, max );
    StatisticsSet  = SET OF StatisticsType;

    undefFileInfo     : FileInfo;      (* read only *)
    undefFileVar      : FileVar;       (* read only *)
    undefDataPtr      : DataPtr;       (* read only *)
    undefFIObjAdrAttr : FIObjAdrAttr;  (* read only *)

    FileVarP = PROCEDURE ( FileInfo, FileVar );

  (*#####   Testing of object access   #####*)

  PROCEDURE ActivateFileInfosObjChecks;
      Call this procedure to switch on all checks when
      accessing FileInfo or FileVar objects or their attributes
      using one of the procedurs below.

  PROCEDURE DeactivateFileInfosObjChecks;
      Switch off all checks.  Use this procedure for faster
      access to FileInfo or FileVar objects and their attributes.
      Note, passing of dangling or NIL pointers to some of the
      procedures below may cause the program to crash.

  PROCEDURE FileInfosObjChecksActivated(): BOOLEAN;
      Find out whether object checks are currently activated.
      The default setting is "TRUE".

  (*#####   FileInfos   #####*)

  PROCEDURE DeclareFileInfo( VAR f         : FileInfo;
                             ident         : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                             fmt           : FileFormatType;
                             (* matrix code if fmt = mat1 or mat2 *)
                             matCode       : LONGINT;
                             (* parameters for possible statistical output *)
                             stats         : StatisticsSet;
                             (* parameters for possible histogram output *)
                             minFirstClass : REAL;
                             maxLastClass  : REAL;
                             numClasses    : INTEGER;
                             VAR resCode   : INTEGER;
                             VAR errTxt    : ARRAY OF CHAR );

  PROCEDURE FindFileInfo( ident: ARRAY OF CHAR ): FileInfo;

  PROCEDURE FileInfoExists( f: FileInfo ): BOOLEAN;

  PROCEDURE FirstFileInfo(): FileInfo;

  PROCEDURE NextFileInfo( f: FileInfo ): FileInfo;

  PROCEDURE PrevFileInfo( f: FileInfo ): FileInfo;

  PROCEDURE LastFileInfo(): FileInfo;

  PROCEDURE RemoveFileInfo( VAR f: FileInfo );

  PROCEDURE RemoveAllFileInfos;

  (*#####   FileInfo attributes   #####*)

  PROCEDURE SetFileInfoIdent( f           : FileInfo;
                              ident       : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                              VAR resCode : INTEGER;
                              VAR errTxt  : ARRAY OF CHAR );

  PROCEDURE GetFileInfoIdent( f         : FileInfo;
                              VAR ident : ARRAY OF CHAR );

  PROCEDURE SetFileInfoFormatType( f: FileInfo; fmt: FileFormatType );

  PROCEDURE FileInfoFormatType( f: FileInfo ): FileFormatType;

  PROCEDURE SetFileInfoMatrixCode( f: FileInfo; matCode: LONGINT );

  PROCEDURE FileInfoMatrixCode( f: FileInfo ): LONGINT;

  PROCEDURE SetFileInfoStatisticsSet( f: FileInfo;
                                      stats: StatisticsSet );

  PROCEDURE GetFileInfoStatisticsSet( f: FileInfo;
                                      VAR stats: StatisticsSet );

  PROCEDURE SetFileInfoHistoParams( f: FileInfo;
                                    minFirstClass : REAL;
                                    maxLastClass  : REAL;
                                    numClasses    : INTEGER );

  PROCEDURE GetFileInfoHistoParams( f: FileInfo;
                                    VAR minFirstClass : REAL;
                                    VAR maxLastClass  : REAL;
                                    VAR numClasses    : INTEGER );

  PROCEDURE SetFileInfoAdrAttr( f: FileInfo; a: FIObjAdrAttr );

  PROCEDURE FileInfoAdrAttr( f: FileInfo): FIObjAdrAttr;

  PROCEDURE SetFileInfoLongIntAttr( f: FileInfo; l: LONGINT );

  PROCEDURE FileInfoLongIntAttr( f: FileInfo ): LONGINT;

  (*#####   FileVars   #####*)

  PROCEDURE DeclareFileVar( f           : FileInfo;
                           VAR v       : FileVar;
                           ident       : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                           VAR resCode : INTEGER;
                           VAR errTxt  : ARRAY OF CHAR );

  PROCEDURE FindFileVar   ( f: FileInfo; ident: ARRAY OF CHAR ): FileVar;

  PROCEDURE ParentFileInfo( v: FileVar ): FileInfo;

  PROCEDURE FileVarExists ( v: FileVar ): BOOLEAN;

  PROCEDURE FirstFileVar( f: FileInfo ): FileVar;

  PROCEDURE NextFileVar( v: FileVar ): FileVar;

  PROCEDURE PrevFileVar( v: FileVar ): FileVar;

  PROCEDURE LastFileVar( f: FileInfo ): FileVar;

  PROCEDURE RemoveFileVar( v: FileVar );

  PROCEDURE RemoveAllFileVars( f: FileInfo );

  (*#####   FileVar attributes   #####*)

  PROCEDURE SetFileVarIdent( v           : FileVar;
                             ident       : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                             VAR resCode : INTEGER;
                             VAR errTxt  : ARRAY OF CHAR );

  PROCEDURE GetFileVarIdent( v         : FileVar;
                             VAR ident : ARRAY OF CHAR );

  PROCEDURE SetFileVarDataPtr( v: FileVar; d: DataPtr );

  PROCEDURE FileVarDataPtr( v: FileVar ): DataPtr;

  PROCEDURE SetFileVarProc( v: FileVar; p: FileVarP );

  PROCEDURE GetFileVarProc( v: FileVar; VAR p: FileVarP );

  PROCEDURE SetFileVarAdrAttr( v: FileVar; a: FIObjAdrAttr );

  PROCEDURE FileVarAdrAttr( v: FileVar): FIObjAdrAttr;

  PROCEDURE SetFileVarLongIntAttr( v: FileVar; l: LONGINT );

  PROCEDURE FileVarLongIntAttr( v: FileVar): LONGINT;

  (*#####   Operations on FileVars across all FileInfos   #####*)

  PROCEDURE GetFileVarsStatisticsSet( varsIdent: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR stats: StatisticsSet );
    Determines the union set of the requested statistics for all
    FileVar objects with a given ident across all FileInfos.

  PROCEDURE NumFileVarsWithIdent( varsIdent: ARRAY OF CHAR ): INTEGER;
    Determines the total number of FileVar objects with a given ident
    across all FileInfos.

  PROCEDURE NumFileVarsWithDataPtr( d: DataPtr ): INTEGER;
    Determines the total number of FileVar objects with a given DataPtr
    across all FileInfos.

  PROCEDURE SetFileVarsDataPtr( fmt: FileFormatType; varsIdent: ARRAY OF CHAR; d: DataPtr );
    Sets for all FileInfos with format "fmt" the DataPtr attribute of all FileVar objects
    with ident "varsIdent" to "d".  Note: using fmt = "undefFileFormat" will set the tally
    attribute for all matching FileVars in all existing FileInfos, regardless of the
    file's format.

  (*#####   Auxiliary   #####*)

  PROCEDURE GetIdentOfFileFormatType( ft        : FileFormatType;
                                      VAR ident : ARRAY OF CHAR );

  PROCEDURE FileFormatTypeOfIdent( ident: ARRAY OF CHAR ): FileFormatType;

  PROCEDURE GetIdentOfStatisticsType( stat      : StatisticsType;
                                      VAR ident : ARRAY OF CHAR );

  PROCEDURE StatisticsTypeOfIdent( ident: ARRAY OF CHAR ): StatisticsType;

  PROCEDURE GetIdentsListForStatisticsSet( ss       : StatisticsSet;
                                           VAR list : ARRAY OF CHAR );
      Constructs for StatisticsSet "ss" a list containing the
      identifiers of the set elements, separated by ", ".
      Note, elements of type "undefVarStatistic" are not included
      in the list.

  PROCEDURE StatisticsSetCardinality( ss: StatisticsSet ): INTEGER;
      Returns number of elements in StatisticsSet "ss".
      Elements of type "undefVarStatistic" are not counted.

  (*#####   Retrieval of files and variables information from data frames   #####*)

  PROCEDURE ExtractFileContentsInfo( fileContentsSpecif : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                     VAR stats          : StatisticsSet;
                                     VAR minFirstClass  : REAL;
                                     VAR maxLastClass   : REAL;
                                     VAR numClasses     : INTEGER;
                                     VAR resCode        : INTEGER;
                                     VAR errTxt         : ARRAY OF CHAR );
      Extracts file contents information from "fileContentsSpecif"
      according to the following syntax:

        fileContents     = emptyString|ContentSpecif {";" ContentSpecif}.
        emptyString      = ""|"--".
        ContentSpecif    = StatisticsSpecif|HistogramSpecif.
        StatisticsSpecif = "stats" ":" statisticId {"," statisticId}.
        statisticId      = "n"|"mean"|"sd"|"skw"|"min"|"p05"|"p10"|"p25"|"med"|"p75"|"p90"|"p95"|"max".
        HistogramSpecif  = "histo" ":" minFirstClass "," maxLastClass "," numClasses.
        minFirstClass    = REAL.
        maxLastClass     = REAL.
        numClasses       = INTEGER.

  PROCEDURE ExtractVariablesList( varsListSpecif : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                  VAR varsList   : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                  VAR resCode    : INTEGER;
                                  VAR errTxt     : ARRAY OF CHAR );
      Extracts a list of variables from "varsListSpecif"
      according to the following syntax:

        varsListSpecif = POrVSpecif {";" POrVSpecif}.
        POrVSpecif     = PrefixSpecif|VarsSpecif.
        PrefixSpecif   = "prefix" ":" "NONE"|qualifiedIdent.
        VarsSpecif     = "vars" ":" qidOrIndex {"," qidOrIndex}.
        qidOrIndex     = qualifiedIdent|INTEGER.
        qualifiedIdent = ident {"." ident}.
        ident          = IDENTIFIER.

      The found variables are stored in "varsList", separated by "|".

  PROCEDURE GetFileInfoParamsFromDataFrames( fileIdent         : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                             VAR format        : FileFormatType;
                                             VAR matCode       : LONGINT;
                                             VAR stats         : StatisticsSet;
                                             VAR minFirstClass : REAL;
                                             VAR maxLastClass  : REAL;
                                             VAR numClasses    : INTEGER;
                                             VAR varsList      : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                             VAR resCode       : INTEGER;
                                             VAR errTxt        : ARRAY OF CHAR );
   Retrieves specifications for FileInfo with identifier
   "fileIdent" based on contents of the currently loaded data
   frames (see procedure DataFrames.LoadDataFrames). Considered
   are all  data frames with definitions "MODEL = ANY;" and
   "KEYCOLUMN = FileIdent;".
   NOTE: The set of FileInfos actually considered is defined by
   the FileInfos list available in the *last* loaded data frame
   with a key column named "FileIdent" of type "Identifier"
   (see also procedure DataFrames.GetIdVec).

  PROCEDURE DeclareFileInfosFromDataFrames( outFilesSetId : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                            VAR resCode   : INTEGER;
                                            VAR errTxt    : ARRAY OF CHAR );
    Declares FileInfo objects and all associated variables based
    on contents of the currently loaded data frames using above
    procedure GetFileInfoParamsFromDataFrames.
    Note, a particular FileInfo is only declared if a corresponding
    data frame value definition "."
    of type BOOLEAN exists and has the value "TRUE".

  (*#####   Event handling   #####*)

    FileInfosEventType    = ( undefFileInfosEvent, fileDeclared, fileRemoved, varDeclared, varRemoved );
    FileInfosEventHandler = PROCEDURE( FileInfosEventType, FileInfo, FileVar );

  PROCEDURE InstallFileInfosEventHandler( h: FileInfosEventHandler );

  PROCEDURE RemoveFileInfosEventHandler ( h: FileInfosEventHandler );

END FileInfos.

  Contact Last updated: 25-Jul-2011 [Top of page]