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DEFINITION MODULE DMHeapWatch; (******************************************************************* Module DMHeapWatch ('Dialog Machine' DM_V3.0) Copyright (c) 1990-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich. Purpose Watches allocation and deallocation of heap blocks during program execution. Remarks If not all heap blocks are returned by the program at its end, this module makes it possible to display a warning message. This module functions as follows: DMStorage calls the procedure variables exported by this module on particular occasions (explained below). By default, only empty procedures are assigned to these procedure variables, which may be overwritten by other methods. E.g. RMSDebugHelp assigns typically a reporting routine, hence the user is always informed accordingly, e.g. if garbage collection was necessary. Needs module DMDebugHelp. This module belongs to the 'Dialog Machine'. Programming o Design Andreas Fischlin 02/02/1990 o Implementation Andreas Fischlin 02/02/1990 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 09/04/1997 AF *******************************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS; CONST maxBlocks = 15; TYPE AllocInfo = PROCEDURE ( ADDRESS, ADDRESS, LONGINT, INTEGER ); (* pBefore, pAfter, size, level *) DeallocInfo = PROCEDURE ( ADDRESS, ADDRESS, INTEGER ); (* pBefore, pAfter, level *) VAR ptrCount, handleCount, windowCount, TECount, controlCount, menuCount, dialogCount: INTEGER; (* count current allocations of objects of above types as supported by the "Dialog Machine" and/or the Macintosh toolbox. On proper use of these objects the counts should all be 0 at the end of a program, since all objects allocated during program execution are also deallocated *) blockSizes: ARRAY [0..maxBlocks] OF LONGINT; (* used to filter reporting of those heap blocks, which match exactly one of the sizes "listed" in this array (starting from lowest element, assign 0D for elements not used). if a heap block of the given size is encountered in an allocation, a message will be displayed informing the user about the fact. *) debugProc: PROCEDURE ( ARRAY OF CHAR , INTEGER, LONGINT); (* callee level size *) (* debugProc is called in DMStorage.AllocateOnLevel if the size of the requested block matches exactly one of the elements from blockSizes (compare allocInfoProc) *) showLevels: PROCEDURE ( ARRAY OF CHAR , INTEGER, LONGINT); (* callee level size *) (* called in two cases: 1) During garbage collection, i.e. called for each heap block which the automatic deallocation mechanism of DMStorage had to discard. This is true for every heap block the programmer does not explicitely discard at the end of the allocating program level. Hence, if you wish to rely on the garbage collection mechanism offered by the "Dialog Machine", ignore this event and don't assign a reporting procedure to this routine. 2) Each time a call to DMStorage.DeallocateOnLevel fails, e.g. because an attempt is made to deallocate a block in a level in which it does not exist, showLevels is also called. Similarily to condition above, if you wish to rely on the automatic garbage collection, there is little need to be informed on this event, since the DM's garbage collector will deallocate all blocks, irrespective of the level on which they have been allocated. However note, in contrast to occasion 1, the size of the heap block is unknown, since not found, thus 0D is passed as actual argument. Note, DMStorage.Allocate is implemented as DMStorage.AllocateOnLevel(DMSystem.CurrentDMLevel()) *) allocInfoProc : AllocInfo; (* called in DMStorage.AllocateOnLevel at end, unconditionally (compare debugProc). Note, DMStorage.Allocate is implemented as DMStorage.AllocateOnLevel(DMSystem.CurrentDMLevel()) *) deallocInfoProc: DeallocInfo; (* called in DMStorage.DeallocateOnLevel at end, unconditionally. (compare showLevels). Note, DMStorage.Deallocate is implemented as DMStorage.DeallocateOnLevel(DMSystem.CurrentDMLevel()) *) clearBlockAtAlloc: BOOLEAN; (* if TRUE DMStorage fills every heap block after successful allocation with 0 (NIL). Otherwise a full and proper initialization is left to the client *) END DMHeapWatch.