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    Module  MatFile     (Version 2.0)

      Copyright (c) 1990-2006 by Andreas Fischlin, Olivier Roth and
      ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   Read matrices from file.

    Remarks   This module is part of the Mat-library, which forms
              part of the RAMSES package.


      o Design
        Andreas Fischlin          08/09/1995
        Olivier Roth              24/04/1990

      o Implementation
        Andreas Fischlin          08/09/1995

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  24/04/1996  AF


  FROM DMConversions IMPORT RealFormat;
  FROM DMFiles IMPORT TextFile;

  FROM Matrices IMPORT Matrix;

  (*#####   Matrix Formats   #####*)


      The syntax of a matrix to be stored on a file is
      (in EBNF, comments in double quotes):

          matrix ::= headers row {row} matrixEnd.
          headers ::= string {eleSep string} rowSep.
          row ::= real {eleSep real} rowSep.
          eleSep ::= CHAR.     "not contained in string nor real"
          rowSep ::= CHAR.     "not contained in string nor real"
          string ::= {CHAR}.   "not eleSep nor rowSep"
          matrixEnd ::= "too short row" | EOF.
          real ::= see DMConversions

      For more details see also the comments for routine ReadMatrix


  (*=====   Formats   =====*)


    MatFormIn = RECORD
      eleSep, rowSep: CHAR;

   MatFormIn describes the input format in which a matrix isread
   from a file. "eleSep" is a single char which is skipped and
   serves as a delimiter between matrix elements, similarily rowSep
   delimits end of rows (typically DMFiles.EOL). Defaults: eleSep =
   11C (i.e. ASCII horizontal tabulator), rowSep = "DMFiles.EOL".

    MatFormOut = RECORD
      realF    : RealFormat;
      len, dec : CARDINAL;
      eOM      : ARRAY[0..63] OF CHAR;

   MatFormOut describes the format in which a matrix is written to
   files.  "realF" will be applied to every number, "len" stands
   for the length of the field for the real number (including
   decimal digits and decimal point), "dec" stands for the number
   of decimal digits. "missVal" is the string which is written to
   the file if an undefined value is contained in the matrix (<=>
   IsUndefREAL(element(i,j)) = TRUE) and this string is used to
   encode missing values. "rowBeg" is the string written at the
   begin of every row (typically empty string), "eleSep" is a
   string (typically just TAB) which is written after each matrix
   element except at the end of a row, and rowEnd is the string
   which is written at the end of a row (typically DMFiles.EOL).
   "eOM" stands for 'end of matrix' and may contain any string
   which is appended after writing the last row of the matrix and
   always terminated with a EOL.

   Defaults: realF = DMConversions.FixedFormat,
   len, dec = 10, 3, missVal = "N",
   rowBeg = "", eleSep = "" (ASCII horizontal tabulator),
   rowEnd = "DMFiles.EOL", eOM = "".

   Note, not any format in which a matrix can be written to a file
   can also be read back by using ReadMatrix. However, matrices in
   the default formats can be easily reread, since rowBeg = "",
   eleSep as well as rowEnd are just one char (see also comments
   for routine ReadMatrix below).


 (*=====   Managing Matrix Formats   =====*)

  PROCEDURE SetMatFormIn (     mf: MatFormIn );
  PROCEDURE GetMatFormIn ( VAR mf: MatFormIn );

  PROCEDURE SetMatFormOut (     mf: MatFormOut );
  PROCEDURE GetMatFormOut ( VAR mf: MatFormOut );

  PROCEDURE ResetFormats;
    (* Resets the current input as well as the output format to the
    defaults (see above) *)

  (*#####   Input/Output operations   #####*)

  (*=====   Error Constants   =====*)

    (* Error constants possibly returned by following routines (see also
    module Errors for other codes): *)

    (* reading errors *)
    fileEmpty = 208;
    rowEmpty = 209;
    unknownMatrix = 210;
    openFExpected = 211;
    insuffMemForCreateM = 212;
    wrongMDimensions = 213;
    missOrWrongReal = 214;
    incompleteReading = 215;

    (* access, writing errors *)
    eleOutOfDims = 220;
    rowOutOfDims = 221;
    matWithUndefReals = 229;

  (*=====   Reading   =====*)

  PROCEDURE ReadMatrix (VAR f: TextFile; VAR theM: Matrix;
                        leaveOpen: BOOLEAN;
                        VAR done: BOOLEAN; VAR resCode: INTEGER);
      Reads a matrix from file f using the currently set matrix
      input format (see routine SetMatFormIn). The file f may
      already be open or not.  If the file is already open, an
      attempt is made to read a matrix starting from the current
      file position.  In case the file is not open, an attempt
      is made to open a file for reading with the name specified in
      the field filename. From the reading position till the end of
      matrix the file's content must conform exactly to the syntax
      of a matrix (see above).

      Non legal real numbers will be stored as
      DMConversions.UndefREAL. This allows for encoding of missing
      values with "N" or any other non-blank character.

      In each data row there must be exactly the same number of
      real numbers as there were headers in the first line, again
      separated by element separators (typically TAB). In
      particular note, an empty line or otherwise incomplete data
      row will also be interpreted as the matrixEnd. Typically this
      is an empty line or an EOM symbol (in the latter case a
      matrix must not consist of only one column, or the end of
      matrix will not be properly recognized).

      In case there are too many data in the file, the reading
      process will not be successfully completed (done = FALSE,
      resCode = insuffMemForCreateM).  However, if this is the
      only reason for failure, theM exists, the headers are read,
      and the dimensions of theM let you learn about the size of
      the data matrix stored in the file (GetMatrixDim from module
      MatDeclare).  IMPORTANT WARNING: The matrix data are not
      initialized and there is no data memory allocated for the
      matrix!  Thus you have to first adjust the dimensions of
      theM correctly and to fitting dimensions before otherwise
      operating on it.

      If leaveOpen = TRUE the file is left open and the
      file position will be just before matrixEnd, i.e. at the
      begin of the line containting the matrix end.

      done returns whether there were any errors encountered,
      resCode decodes the type of error. Use e.g.
      Errors.DisplayLastError to learn about the actual error(s)
      detected. Note, since syntactically wrong real numbers can be
      interpreted as missing values, missing values will always
      lead to a warning message (resCode<>Errors.allOk) but done is
      still true.


  PROCEDURE ReadRow   (VAR f : TextFile; theM: Matrix; rowNr: INTEGER;
                       VAR done: BOOLEAN; VAR resCode: INTEGER);
      Reads the row rowNr of matrix theM from file f using the
      currently set matrix input format (see routine SetMatFormIn).
      Precondition and Postcondition: f is open, theM exists and
      rowNr fits within the dimensions of theM. Any data already
      contained in theM will be overwritten by those read from f,
      unless done = FALSE. For possible error conditions see
      routine ReadMatrix above.

  PROCEDURE ReadEle   (VAR f: TextFile;  VAR x: REAL;
                       VAR done: BOOLEAN; VAR resCode: INTEGER);
      Reads a matrix element from file f using the currently set
      matrix input format (see routine SetMatFormIn). Precondition
      and Postcondition: f is open. For possible error conditions
      see routine ReadMatrix above.

  PROCEDURE ReadTitle (VAR f: TextFile; VAR title: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                       VAR done: BOOLEAN; VAR resCode: INTEGER);
      Reads a string, for instance holding the title of a matrix,
      using the currently set matrix input format (see routine
      SetMatFormIn) (actually reads everything till rowSep
      encountered, i.e. reads over eleSep).  Precondition and
      Postcondition: f is open.

  (*=====   Writing   =====*)

  PROCEDURE WriteMatrix (VAR f: TextFile; VAR theM: Matrix;
                        withHeaders, leaveOpen: BOOLEAN;
                        VAR mWritten: BOOLEAN; VAR resCode: INTEGER);
      Writes matrix theM onto file f using the currently set
      matrix output format (see routine SetMatFormOut) for the data
      contained in theM. withHeaders controls whether or not the headers for
      the columns are written at the begin of the data section.
      See ReadMatrix for meaning of remaining parameters.

  PROCEDURE WriteMatrixData (VAR f: TextFile; theM: Matrix);
      Similar to WriteMatrix but assumes that a file has already been
      opened and writes only just the matrix data, i.e. numbers according
      to the current dimensions of the matrix theM

  PROCEDURE WriteRow  (VAR f : TextFile; theM: Matrix; rowNr: INTEGER;
                       VAR done: BOOLEAN; VAR resCode: INTEGER);
      Writes the row rowNr of matrix theM onto file f using the
      currently set matrix output format (see routine
      SetMatFormOut). Precondition and Postcondition: f is open.
      For possible error conditions see routine ReadMatrix above.

  PROCEDURE WriteEle  (VAR f : TextFile; theM: Matrix; row,col: INTEGER;
                       VAR done: BOOLEAN; VAR resCode: INTEGER);
      Writes the element row,col of matrix theM onto file f using
      the currently set matrix output format (see routine
      SetMatFormOut). Precondition and Postcondition: f is open.
      For possible error conditions see routine ReadMatrix above.

  PROCEDURE WriteTitle (VAR f: TextFile; title: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                        VAR done: BOOLEAN; VAR resCode: INTEGER);
      Writes a string, for instance holding the title of a matrix ,
      using the currently set matrix output format (see routine
      SetMatFormOut).  Precondition and Postcondition: f is open.
      For possible error conditions see routine ReadMatrix above.

    The following procedures should actually be provided by
    module MatAccess.  For the time being they are offered from
    this module.

  PROCEDURE SetColHeader(m: Matrix; col: INTEGER;     head: ARRAY OF CHAR);
  PROCEDURE GetColHeader(m: Matrix; col: INTEGER; VAR head: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Assigns or returns a column header (head) for the column col of the
      matrix m.  Note that ReadMatrix automatically assigns the column
      headers, which can then be conveniently retrieved with GetColHeader.

END MatFile.

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