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    Module  DMKeyChars     ('Dialog Machine' DM_V3.0)

      Copyright (c) 1995-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   Routines to interpret keyboard user events
              as received by the 'Dialog Machine'.

    Remarks   This module maps essential keys which are
              not already part of the ASCII character set
              of various computer platforms, in particular
              between Macintosh and IBM PCs, for enhancing
              the portability of code. This module belongs to
              the "Dialog Machine" and is optional.

              Using this module allows for the writing of
              more portable applications, in particular
              when programming keyboard handlers (see
              also module DMMaster, procedure
              AddKeyboardHandler) or preparing strings
              to be displayed to the user containing
              special characters, like bullets, mu, sigma
              or other common scientific characters.

              This module belongs to the 'Dialog Machine'.


      o Design
        Andreas Fischlin          24/10/1995

      o Implementation
        Andreas Fischlin          24/04/1996

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  09/04/1997  AF


    (* Mac *)       (* Mac or IBM-PC *)      (* IBM-PC *)
                          mouse = 0;
    command = 1;                             (* = control *)
    option = 2;                              alternate = 2;
                          shift = 3;
                          capslock = 4;
                          control = 5;

    Above constants denote modifier keys to handle keyboard events with
    routine DMMaster.InspectKey.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Command corresponds to the control key.  Since
    the command key isn't available on the IBM-PC, the DM uses the
    control key instead. As a consequence, the DM behaves on the
    IBM-PC such that the two keys command and control collapse into
    one, and that testing in InspectKey for any of these modifier
    keys always implies the other one. To write portable programs,
    you should refrain from programing keyboard handlers on the Mac
    which rely on being able to differentiate between the keys
    command and control, i.e. the pressing of either one of these
    keys should already be sufficient for accepting the keyboard
    event. For instance to detect in a portable way the pressing of
    Control^'A' call DMMaster.InspectKey(ch,m) and then compare:

          (CAP(ch)="A") AND ((m={command}) OR (m={control}))

    cursorUp, cursorDown, cursorLeft, cursorRight,
    homeKey, endKey, pageUp, pageDown, helpKey,
    enter, return, delete, backspace, tab, esc,
    hardBlank: CHAR; (* READ ONLY! *)

    Above variables denote read only chars which are set by the 'Dialog
    Machine' according to the computer system on which it is currently
    running.  IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION: Platforms such as Unix and Mac
    OS X encode some of above keys as actually as a series of characters.
    E.g. Unix encodes cursor keys as a 3 character sequence 'ESC', '[',
    and 'A'..'D' (where A - up, B - down, C - right, D - left).  Despite
    this fact this module exports only single character encodings.  It is
    expected that 'Dialog Machine' client programs actually read such
    series of key strokes to deduce the actual meaning.  They use then
    above values exported from this module, to encode the meaning of such
    a series of keys.  The resulting single key code, can then be handled
    semantically by the DM program in a portable manner accross the
    various platforms. Sample code to read a line (until EOL) while
    interpreting cursor keys:

       ch := 0C;
       WHILE (i<=n) AND NOT IsEOL(ch) DO
         Read(ch); ch1 := 0C;
         IF (ch=ESC) AND ((RunsInMacOSX() OR RunsOnAUnixMachine()) THEN
           IF ch = "[" THEN (* is Unix cursor key *)
             CASE ch1 OF
             | "A":  ch := cursorUp;
             | "B":  ch := cursorDown;
             | "C":  ch := cursorRight;
             | "D":  ch := cursorLeft;
               HandleChar(ESC); HandleChar(ch); ch := ch1;


   To translate characters which do not belong to the ASCII char set
   (>177C) the following routines provide support for programming optimally
   portable code.

      Use this routine to obtain the best possible character on the
      particular target machine.  As the actual argument pass the character
      as you define it on the machine on which you originally developed the
      DM program.  BestCH is for efficiency reasons only a procedure
      variable.  Refrain from overwriting it, it is only for READ ONLY.
      Use the routine ProgrammedOn, which sets it according to the machine
      on which you programmed the DM program.  Example: BestCH('•') (fat
      bullet) programmed on a Mac is again a fat bullet if the code is
      executed on an IBM PC, but can't do better than 'o' on a plain
      vanilla Unix machine.  If ProgrammedOn is never called, BestCH
      returns the same character as you passed to it, i.e.  procedure
      Identity (see also comment for procedure ProgrammedOn).

    ComputerPlatform = (Mac,IBMPCCompatible,UNIXMachine);

  PROCEDURE ProgrammedOn (c: ComputerPlatform);
    (* Use this routine to assign BestCH a useful translation routine
    according to the computer on which you programmed originally the
    DM program. Besides, ProgrammedOn is implemented as follows (which
    may explain better than words what it actually does:

        PROCEDURE ProgrammedOn (c: ComputerPlatform);
        BEGIN (* ProgrammedOn *)
          CASE c OF
          | Mac:
              CASE ComputerSystem() OF
              | IBMPC..IBMPS2:   BestCH := PCCHAR;
              | Mac512KE..stillAMac:  BestCH := Identity;
              ELSE (* SUN..SUNSparc *)
                BestCH := MacASCII;
          | IBMPCCompatible:
              CASE ComputerSystem() OF
              | IBMPC..IBMPS2:   BestCH := Identity;
              | Mac512KE..stillAMac:  BestCH := MacCHAR;
              ELSE (* SUN..SUNSparc *)
                BestCH := PCASCII;
          | UNIXMachine:
              BestCH := Identity;
        END ProgrammedOn;


      Returns an IBM-PC equivalent of macCh by interpreting macCh as a
      Macintosh character.  E.g.  '£' (Pound on Mac = 243C) becomes 'œ'
      (Pound on IBM-PC = 234C) etc.  Returns identity for all ASCII chars
      <= 177C.  Note translation may not always be satisfactory, since the
      character sets deviate between the two computer platforms in some
      cases too strongly and character resemblance may be very poor.
      Furthermore, result may also differ, depending on current keyboard
      layout or font in use.

      Returns an Macintosh equivalent of pcCh by interpreting pcCh as an
      IBM-PC character.  E.g.  'œ' (j= Pound on IBM-PC = 234C) becomes '£'
      (Pound on Mac = 243C) etc.  Returns identity for all ASCII chars <=
      177C.  Note translation may not always be satisfactory, since the
      character sets deviate between the two computer platforms in some
      cases too strongly and character resemblance may be very poor.
      Furthermore, result may also differ, depending on font in use.

      Returns an ASCII equivalent of the character macCh by interpreting
      macCh as a Macintosh character.  E.g.  '•' (fat bullet) becomes 'o',
      or 'ü' (Umlaut) becomes 'u' etc.  This routine tries to map any
      characters > 177C as close as possible to a char <= 177C; however,
      results may be poor and ambiguous and program behavior may become
      unpredictable if depending on the mapping.

      Returns an ASCII equivalent of the character pcCh by interpreting
      pcCh as an IBM-PC character.  E.g.  'ƒ' (long dash) becomes '-'
      (55C), or 'ü' (Umlaut, 232C) becomes 'u' etc.  This routine tries to
      map any characters > 177C as close as possible to a char <= 177C;
      however, results may be poor and ambiguous and program behavior may
      become unpredictable if depending on the mapping.

END DMKeyChars.

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