No. | Report |
34 | Fischlin, A. & Fischlin-Kissling, M.M., 2011. Limits to growth and courseware
«World Model 2». Update and translation of “Unterrichtsprogramm «Weltmodell 2»”
by Fischlin, A., T. Blanke, D. Gyalistras, M. Baltensweiler & M. Ulrich, 1991
(Systems Ecology Report No. 1)
Systems Ecology Report, No. 34, Terrestrial
Systems Ecology, Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 41pp.
[ |
33 | Fischlin, A., 2010. Andreas Fischlin nimmt Stellung zu Fragen rund um
die Klimaproblematik - unter Mitwirkung von Markus Hofmann, Christian Speicher,
Betty Zucker, Martin Läubli und Jürg Fuhrer
Systems Ecology Report, No. 33, Terrestrial
Systems Ecology, Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 49pp.
[ |
32 | Fischlin, A., 2007. Leben im und mit dem Klimawandel - Lebensgrundlagen in Gefahr?.
Systems Ecology Report, No. 32, Terrestrial
Systems Ecology, Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 21pp.
[ |
31 | Fischlin, A., 2009. IPCC estimates for emissions from land-use change,
notably deforestation. Systems Ecology Report, No. 31, Terrestrial
Systems Ecology, Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 3pp.
[ |
30 | Keller, D., 2003. Introduction to the Dialog Machine - 2nd Edition. B. Price
(editor of 2nd ed.): 35 pp.
[ |
29 | Fischlin, A., Buchter, B., Matile, L., Ammon, K., Hepperle, E.,
Leifeld, J. & Fuhrer, J., 2003. Bestandesaufnahme zum Thema Senken
in der Schweiz. Verfasst im Auftrag des BUWAL. Systemökologiebericht
No. 29, Departement Umweltwissenschaften, Eidgenössische Technische
Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), Schweiz, ISBN 3-9522686-0-7: 86 pp.
[ |
Weiterführende Links:
28 | Lischke, H., Loeffler, T.J., Fischlin, A. (1996): Aggregation of
Individual Trees and Patches in Forest Succession Models:
Capturing Variability with Height Structured Random Dispersions
[ |
27 | Lischke, H., Loeffler, T.J., Fischlin, A. (1996): Calculating temperature
dependence over long time periods: A comparison of methods
[ |
26 | Lischke, H., Loeffler, T.J., Fischlin, A. (1996): Calculating temperature
dependence over long time periods: Derivation of methods
[ |
25 | Fischlin, A., Lischke, H. & Bugmann, H. (1995): The Fate of Forests In a
Changing Climate: Model Validation and Simulation Results From the Alps
[ |
24 | Loeffler, T.J., Fischlin, A. & Ulrich, M. (1996): Benchmark Experiments
on Workstations
[ |
23 | Loeffler, T.J. (1996): How To Write Fast Programs
[ |
22 | Gyalistras, D. & Fischlin, A. (1996): Derivation of climate change scenarios for mountainous ecosystems: A GCM-based method and the case study of Valais, Switzerland |
21 | Thoeny, J., Fischlin, A. & Gyalistras, D. (1994): Introducing RASS -
The RAMSES Simulation Server (partly published)
[ |
20 | Thoeny, J. (1994): Practical considerations on portable Modula-2 code
[ |
19 | Perruchoud, D. & Fischlin, A. (1994): The Response of the Carbon Cycle
in Undisturbed Forest Ecosystems to Climate Change: A Review of
Plant-Soil Models
[ |
18 | Nemecek, T., Fischlin, A., Derron, J. & Roth, O. (1993): Distance and
Direction of Trivial Flights of Aphids in a Potato Field
[Abstract] [ |
17 | Gyalistras, D., Storch, H. v., Fischlin, A., Beniston, M. (1994):
Linking GCM-Simulated Climatic Changes to Ecosystem Models:
Case Studies of Statistical Downscaling in the Alps
[ |
16 | Fischlin, A. & Bugmann, H. (1993): Comparing the Behaviour of
Mountainous Forest Succession Models in a Changing Climate
[Abstract] [ |
15 | Fischlin, A., Bugmann, H. & Gyalistras, D. (1992): Sensitivity of a
Forest Ecosystem Model to Climate Parametrization Schemes
[ |
14 | Fischlin, A., Gyalistras, D., Roth, O., Ulrich, M., Thoeny, J., Nemecek, T.,
Bugmann, H. & Thommen, F. (1994): ModelWorks 2.2 - An
Interactive Simulation Environment for Personal Computers and
[Abstract] [ |
13 | Fischlin, A. & Bugmann, H. (1992): Think Globally, Act Locally! A Small
Country Case Study in Reducing Net CO2 Emissions by Carbon Fixation
[ |
12 | Fischlin, A. (1991): Modellierung und Computersimulationen in den
[ |
11 | Nemecek, T., Fischlin, A., Roth, O. & Derron, J. (1993):
Quantifying Behaviour Sequences of Winged Aphids on Potato Plants for
Virus Epidemic Models
[Abstract] [ |
10 | Roth, O., Derron, J., Fischlin, A., Nemecek, T. & Ulrich, M. (1992):
Implementation and Parameter Adaptation of a Potato Crop Simulation Model
Combined with a Soil Water Subsystem [This is the report as submitted to
the meeting. It contains our effort to simulate the observed data as the
conference convenors provided to all participants prior to the meeting.
During and after the meeting models were consolidated and final results
then published].
[ |
9 | Fischlin, A. (1990): Interactive Modeling and Simulation of
Environmental Systems on Workstations
[ |
8 | Fischlin, A., & Roth, O., Gyalistras, D., Ulrich, M. und Nemecek, T.
(1990): ModelWorks - An Interactive Simulation Environment for
Personal Computers and Workstations
[ |
7 | Gyalistras, D. (1990): Implementing a One-Dimensional Energy Balance Climatic Model on a Microcomputer (out of print) |
6 | Fischlin, A. (1990): On Daisyworlds: The Reconstruction of a Model
on the Gaia Hypothesis
[ |
5 | Fischlin, A., Roth, O., Blanke, T., Bugmann, H., Gyalistras, D. &
Thommen, F. (1990): Fallstudie interdisziplinaere Modellierung
eines terrestrischen Oekosystems unter Einfluss des
[ |
4 | Roth, O. (1990): Maisreife - das Konzept der physiologischen Zeit
[ |
3 | Fischlin, A. & Ulrich, M. (1990): Unterrichtsprogramm "Drosophila"
[ |
2 | Fischlin, A. & Ulrich, M. (1990): Unterrichtsprogramm "Stabilität"
[ |
1 | Fischlin, A., Blanke, T., Gyalistras, D., Baltensweiler, M., Nemecek,
T., Roth, O. & Ulrich, M. (1991, erw. und korr. Aufl. 1993):
Unterrichtsprogramm "Weltmodell 2"
[ |