Several institutions (see below) have provided support,
including some financial support, to the development of
REtool now called RCtool, including the valuable
voluntary time provided by many individuals. All this
support is gratefully acknowledged.
Development and Licenses
Version 1.x of REtool was developed by Philippe Marbaix
at Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium. The
support given by the Belgian Science Policy Office for
the duration of the mandate of Jean-Pascal van Ypersele
as Vice-chair of IPCC is gratefully acknowledged.
All versions as of 1.5 or later are developed and
maintained by Andreas
Fischlin, Vice-chair WGII of IPCC and Prof. em. of
ETH Zurich,
Terrestrial Systems
Ecology, Switzerland, with support from the Federal
Office for the Environment FOEN of the Swiss
Government. The support by ETH Zurich and FOEN are
gratefully acknowledged.
RCtool (REtool) can be used and modified freely by the individuals
involved in the preparation of IPCC AR6 cycle reports.
After the completion of the AR6 by the IPCC, the
structure of the database (excluding IPCC content), its
interface, and the scripts that it contains will be made
available under the open source (free software) licence
GPL v3, available at
The run-time version of FileMaker has a separate licence
that you should have received as a separate file if you
downloaded RCtool from this website. As a rule, IPCC
data that you may use in this database form part of IPCC
working documents and are thus confidential in accordance
with the rules and procedures of the IPCC. Visit the FileMaker
website for further details on the FileMaker license.