A drag and drop utility to fix iCalendar files that are not understood by iCalendar.
Andreas Fischlin
Systems Ecology - ETH Zurich,
Departement of Environmental Sciences
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,
With thanks to
Apple Inc. for Xcode
Usage: Drop iCalendar files with extension .ics onto this droplet to convert them. This droplet will attempt to add the converted files right away. Any newly converted file will reside besides the original with name extended by "-converted" before the extension. Ex.: File 'iacevent.ics' becomes 'iacevent-converted.ics'
Help: Most problems come from the fact that iCalendar files - having extension .ics - need to be of type version 2.0. However many Windows applications do merely generate version 1.0 .ics-files. When dragging-dropping such a ics file onto this utiliy, it will attempt to convert the version 1.0 file into a version 2.0 one and store the result into a new file with the same name but extension .new.ics.
af, 15.Nov.2009