Article:     Fischlin, A. and Gyalistras, D. and Roth, O. and Ulrich, M. and Thoeny, J. and Nemecek, T. and Bugmann, H. K. and Thommen, F., 1994. ModelWorks 2.2: An interactive simulation environment for personal computers and workstations. Systems Ecology Report, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 324pp.

Abstract:       ModelWorks is a modelling and simulation environment in Modula-2 specifically designed to be run interactively on modern personal computers and workstations. It supports modular modelling by featuring a coupling mechanism between submodels and an unrestricted number of state variables, model parameters etc. up to the limits of the computer resources. It allows for the formulation of continuous time, discrete time, discrete event models, as well as the free mixing of all these formalisms. Not only does ModelWorks offer the simulationist a handy user interface to experiment interactively with model systems, but also allows the modeller to use ModelWorks' functions via a client interface in any other programming context.

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