Extended abstract:
Théato, C., Gyalistras, D., Fukutome, S. & Fischlin A., 2005. Forest biodiversity and C-sequestration as a function of past and future climate changes. In: From the Holocene to the Anthropocene - Climate of the last 1000 years. Grosjean, M., & Wanner, H., (eds.), Extended abstract, Grindelwald, Switzerland; 8. Aug. - 23. Sep., 2005, NCCR Summer School 2005, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2pp.
Any simulated impact of climate change on forests depends not only on the choice of climate change scenarios but also on that of the baseline climate. We examined the sensitivity of present and future forest species composition and carbon pools at equilibrium to a varying baseline climate and climate change scenario, respectively. The forest model FORCLIM was run with 5 distinct baseline climates between 1864 and 2003 at 12 sites in Switzerland, and with 3 climate change scenarios. While total carbon stocks only changed significantly in response to future climatic changes, tree species composition was affected throughout.
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