
Jones, P., Amador, J., Campos, M., Hayhoe, K., Marín, M., Romero, J. & Fischlin, A.,
        2005. Generating climate change scenarios at high resolution for impact
        studies and adaptation: Focus on developing countries. In: Saloh, Y.,
        Robledo, C. & Markku, K. (eds.), Tropical forests and adaptation to climate
        change: in search of synergies. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA., ISBN 
        979-24-4604-4, 186pp., 37-55.


The discussions at the workshop (headed by A. Fischlin, participants: Jones, P., Amador, J., Campos, M., Hayhoe, K., Mar’n, M., Romero, J.) have indicated that high-resolution bioclimatic scenarios can already be generated in developoing countries, despite challenges occurring both in personnel and at the institutional level. These scenarios are the first step towards defining adaptation strategies and measures to cope with climate change. If additional, targeted efforst are made based on the outlined recommendations, remaining gaps may be closed relativey easily and the main existing hurdles can be overcome to successfully generate regional climate change scnearios for impact assessments.

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