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DEFINITION MODULE TrSpecRSampl; (******************************************************************* Module TrSpecRSampl (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by Dimitrios Gyalistras and ETH Zurich. Purpose Types and procedures for random sampling of tree species parameters as managed by companion module TreeSpecies. Remarks This module is part of the package Trees. Programming o Design Dimitrios Gyalistras 21/12/2005 o Implementation Dimitrios Gyalistras 21/12/2005 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 21/12/2005 DG *******************************************************************) IMPORT Errors; FROM TreeSpecies IMPORT TreeSpecies, TSParamType, TSParamsRec; (**************************************) (*##### General declarations #####*) (**************************************) CONST notDone = Errors.onlyAnInsert; (* The procedures exported below return resCode = Errors.allOk if the call to the procedure was succesfull, and resCode = notDone if not. *) TYPE RandomSamplingDistribType = ( undefRSDType, uniform, normal ); RandomSamplingSpreadType = ( undefRSSType, absolute, relative ); PROCEDURE RandomSamplingPossible( pType : TSParamType ): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE SetRandomSamplingForParam( ts : TreeSpecies; pType : TSParamType; distribSpecif : RandomSamplingDistribType; spreadSpecif : RandomSamplingSpreadType; spread : REAL; VAR resCode : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* Defines random sampling scheme for parameter "pType" of tree species "ts". Parameter "distribSpecif" defines the type of distribution to use: - uniform: U( min, max ) - normal: N( mu, sig ) The mean of the distribution ("mu") is given by the tree species' current parameter value (see procedure "TreeSpecies.DeclTreeSpecies"). The variance of the distribution is determined from parameters "spreadSpecif" and "spread", as follows: distribSpecif spreadSpecif used distribution ------------- ------------ ------------------ uniform absolute U( mu-spread, mu+spread ) uniform relative U( mu-mu*spread/100, mu+mu*spread/100 ) normal absolute N( mu, 0.5*spread ) normal relative N( mu, 0.5*mu*spread/100 ) I.e, in case of a normal distribution and spreadSpecif = absolute ~95.5% of all sampled values will be found within the range [mu-spread ..mu+spread]. Note, all sampled values are restricted to the parameter's plausibility range (see "TreeSpecies.TSParamMin/Max"). This may cause deviations from the used theoretical distribution, in particular if "spread" is large (accumulation of sampled values at edges of allowed value range). *) PROCEDURE SetRandomSamplingFromDataFrames( VAR resCode : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ); PROCEDURE GetRandomSamplingForParam( ts : TreeSpecies; pType : TSParamType; VAR distribSpecif : RandomSamplingDistribType; VAR spreadSpecif : RandomSamplingSpreadType; VAR spread : REAL ); PROCEDURE ClearRandomSamplingForParam( ts: TreeSpecies; pType: TSParamType ); PROCEDURE ClearRandomSamplingForSpecies( ts: TreeSpecies ); PROCEDURE ClearRandomSamplingForAllSpecies; PROCEDURE SampleTSParamValue( ts: TreeSpecies; pType: TSParamType ): REAL; (* Samples a parameter value for parameter "pType" of tree species "ts". If random sampling is not currently set for that particular parameter (see procedure "SetRandomSamplingForParam") the procedure returns the species' corresponding current parameter value (see procedure "TreeSpecies.DeclTreeSpecies"). *) PROCEDURE SampleTSParamsRec( ts: TreeSpecies; VAR params: TSParamsRec ); (* Samples an entire parameter record for tree species "ts". If sampling is not possible or not currently set for a particular parameter (see procedure "SetRandomSamplingForParam") the result variable "params" will contain the species' corresponding default parameter value (see procedure "TreeSpecies.DeclTreeSpecies"), or the appropriate derived parameter value. Note, all parameters are sampled independently of each other (covariance matrix = unit matrix). *) END TrSpecRSampl.