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DEFINITION MODULE SunPath; (******************************************************************* Module SunPath (Version 1.1) Copyright (c) 1989-2006 by Thomas Nemecek and ETH Zurich. Purpose Compute solar angles, daylength, real solar time, etc. Remarks Units: angles: radians time: fraction of day (24h = 1.0) except where the variable name "hours" is used Initialization: the module is initialised for julian day = 1; position, zone time = Zürich, Switzerland; winter time. WARNING: Implementation is such that computations are done with limited accuracy. References: Meteonorm - Theorie für den Solarplaner. BA f. Energiewirtschaft, 3003 Bern; 1985. France, J. & Thornley, J.H.M (1984): Mathematical models in agriculture, Butterworths, London. Programming o Design Thomas Nemecek 24/10/1989 Andreas Fischlin 13/08/2007 o Implementation Thomas Nemecek 25/10/1989 Andreas Fischlin 13/08/2007 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 13/08/2007 af *******************************************************************) (***************************************) (*##### Angle transformations #####*) (***************************************) PROCEDURE Rad(deg: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE Deg(rad: REAL): REAL; (**************************************) (*##### Time transformations #####*) (**************************************) PROCEDURE DayFraction(hours, minutes, seconds: INTEGER): REAL; PROCEDURE DayFractionToTime(dayFraction: REAL; VAR hours, minutes, seconds: INTEGER); PROCEDURE FractionOfYear (dayOfYear: INTEGER; dayfraction: REAL): REAL; (* Returns fraction of year where dayOfYear = 1 ~ 1st January; dayOfYear = 365 (not leap year) or 366 (leap year) ~ 31st December and dayfraction is a number in [0.0..1.0]. *) (***************************************) (*##### Set location and time #####*) (***************************************) (*----------------------------*) (*===== Set location =====*) (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE SetGeogrLocation( latitude, longitude: REAL); PROCEDURE GetGeogrLocation(VAR latitude, longitude: REAL); (* latitude and longitude are to be defined as degrees and fractions thereof. Latitude: N ==> >0 S ==> <0 Longitude: W ==> >0 E ==> <0 *) PROCEDURE SetTimeZone( hours: REAL); PROCEDURE GetTimeZone(VAR hours: REAL); (* Difference between standard time (local time NOT adjusted for daylight saving time or winter time) and UT or UTC. Ex.: Switzerland (East of Greenwich): time zone = -1h. *) PROCEDURE SetTimeDelay( hours: REAL); PROCEDURE GetTimeDelay(VAR hours: REAL); (* Time delay relative to time zone to correct for daylight saving time. Typically summer time: +1.0; winter time: 0.0. The routines from this module know nothing about daylight saving time rules. You need to call this routine with hours = 0 at a switch from daylight saving to standard or winter time or with typically hours = 1 at a date when daylight saving time becomes active. Note, this module knows nothing about daylight saving time rules and will always add the specified time delay 'hours' in any computation involving local time. Ex.: Switzerland: winter time (=standard time): hours = 0.0; daylight saving time (from 3rd Sunday in March till last Sunday in October): hours = 1.0. For other locations see e.g. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone>. *) (*------------------------*) (*===== Set time =====*) (*------------------------*) (* Following routines are to be used to set the current day within the year. You can freely use either SetJulianDay or SetDayOfYear to achieve the same effect. You need to call one of these set routines to use any solar position routine for another day than 1st January (module initialization). *) PROCEDURE SetDayOfYear( dayOfYear: INTEGER); PROCEDURE GetDayOfYear(VAR dayOfYear: INTEGER); (* dayOfYear = 1 ~ 1st January; dayOfYear = 365 (not leap year) or 366 (leap year) ~ 31st December see also modules JulianDays (ScienceLib) and WriteDatTim (AuxLib) *) PROCEDURE SetJulianDay( julianDay: INTEGER); PROCEDURE GetJulianDay(VAR julianDay: INTEGER); (* same as SetDayOfYear, GetDayOfYear. Must not be confounded with a true Julian Day (see also module JulianDays. Only kept for upward compatibility reasons. *) (********************************) (*##### Sun's position #####*) (********************************) CONST delta0 = 0.4092797096; (* declination of the Earth in radians *) PROCEDURE SolarTime(localTime: REAL): REAL; (* Returns for the day as set by SetDayOfYear or SetJulianDay the solar time given the localTime (= standard time possibly adjusted for daylight saving time) at a location with the time zone as defined by last call to procedures and SetTimeDelay. The solar time is defined to be 0 at noon (note, latitude as well as longitude are ignored). *) PROCEDURE LocalTime(solarTime: REAL): REAL; (* Returns for the day as set by SetDayOfYear or SetJulianDay the local time (= standard time possibly adjusted for daylight saving time) given solarTime at a location with the time zone as defined by last call to procedures SetTimeZone and SetTimeDelay (note, latitude as well as longitude are ignored). Standard time (= winter time) is the local time without any adjustments for daylight saving and defined by a multiple of half hours offset from UT. *) PROCEDURE Noon(): REAL; (* Returns local time (= standard time) of true solar noon for the day as set by SetDayOfYear or SetJulianDay at a location with latitude and longitude as given in last call to SetGeogrLocation and with the time zone as defined by last call to procedures SetTimeZone and SetTimeDelay. *) PROCEDURE SunHeightMax(): REAL; (* [1] Eq.13 *) (* = SunHeight(Noon)); see procedure SunHeight *) PROCEDURE SunHeight(localTime: REAL): REAL; (* [1] Eq.7 *) (* Returns the angle between the horizontal plane and the sun (measured vertically from the point on the horizon directly under the sun (cf. azimuth) up to the sun). for the day as set by SetDayOfYear or SetJulianDay at a location with latitude and longitude as given in last call to SetGeogrLocation and with the time zone as defined by last call to procedures SetTimeZone and SetTimeDelay. *) PROCEDURE SunAzimuth(localTime: REAL): REAL; (* [1] Eq.8 *) (* Returns the south based azimuth, i.e. the angle between the south direction and the sun for any given local time (= standard time) for the day as set by SetDayOfYear or SetJulianDay at a location with latitude and longitude as given in last call to SetGeogrLocation and with the time zone as defined by last call to procedures SetTimeZone and SetTimeDelay. The returned angle lies between -Pi and +Pi, solar time noon having an azimuth of 0. Often azimuths are also given clockwise from true north to the point on the horizon directly below the sun. To compute the latter add Pi() (~180.0°) to the value returned by SunAzimuth. *) (* Zenith angle z -------------- In following procedures the parameter z is the zenith angle in radians between the sun and the zenith (The zenith being the "top of the sky", i.e. the point on the imaginary celestial sphere right above the head of the observer). Depending on how exactly you define sunset and sunrise, the following values are commonly used for z when computing day length, sunset, sunrise: - 90° (centre of the sun's disc is on the horizon, defining astronomical sunset or sunrise); - 90.8333° (upper margin of the sun's disc is on the horizon given sun's radius or half of angular diameter corresponds to 0.26667° and assuming a mean reffraction of 0.5667°, see below z0); - 96° (including civil twilight, which starts and ends when the sun's centre is 6° below the horizon); - 102° (nautical twilight, which starts and ends when the sun's centre is more than 6° but less than 12° below the horizon); - 108° (astronomical twilight, which starts and ends when the sun's centre is more than 12° but less than 18° below the horizon) *) VAR z0: REAL; (* READ ONLY variable *) (* = Rad(90.8333); see above "zenith angle z" *) PROCEDURE DayLength(z: REAL): REAL; (* [2] Eq. 6.14 *) (* Returns the day length as a fraction of a day. Multiply by 1440=360*4 (1 day ~ 360°, 1° ~ 4 minutes of elapsed time) to obtain this value in minutes (of time). <http://www.sunlit-design.com/infosearch/equationoftime.php> *) PROCEDURE SunRiseTime(z: REAL): REAL; (* Returns local time (= standard time) of sunrise for the day as set by SetDayOfYear or SetJulianDay at a location with latitude and longitude as given in last call to SetGeogrLocation and with the time zone as defined by last call to procedures SetTimeZone and SetTimeDelay. *) PROCEDURE SunSetTime(z: REAL): REAL; (* As SunRiseTime but for sunset *) (***************************) (*##### Auxiliary #####*) (***************************) PROCEDURE EquationOfTime(): REAL; (* Difference between solar time and universal standard time UT (or UTC) here returned as a fraction of a day (multiply by 1440=360*4 (1 day ~ 360°, 1° ~ 4 minutes of elapsed time) to obtain this value in minutes of time). <http://www.sunlit-design.com/infosearch/equationoftime.php> *) PROCEDURE Delta(): REAL; (* Declination of the Sun in radian (angle between sun rays and the plane of the earth equator). Delta is 0.0 at the equinoxes and at a maximum at the solstices (+23°27' or -23°27'). e.g. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declination#Sun> *) END SunPath.