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DEFINITION MODULE GridDataSets; (******************************************************************* Module GridDataSets (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 1997-2006 by Dimitrios Gyalistras and ETH Zurich. Purpose Manage gridded data sets and their attributes, get or set gridpoint data. Remarks For input/output of gridded data sets see module GridDSIO. For auxiliary procedures and operations on gridded data sets see module GridDSOp. Programming o Design Dimitrios Gyalistras 23/05/1997 o Implementation Dimitrios Gyalistras 23/05/1997 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 05/06/2002 AF *******************************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT BYTE; FROM DMFiles IMPORT TextFile; IMPORT Errors; CONST notDone = Errors.onlyAnInsert; (* All procedures exported below return errCode = Errors.allOk if the call to the procedure was succesfull, and resCode = notDone if not. *) TYPE GridDataSet; DataMatrix; TYPE GridDataSetChange = (gdsDefined, gdsReplaced, gdsRemoved); AtGridDataSetChangeP = PROCEDURE( GridDataSetChange, (* type of change *) GridDataSet ); (* the data set affected *) VAR undefGridDataSet : GridDataSet; (* read only *) undefDataMatrix : DataMatrix; (* read only *) (*************************************************************) (*##### Definition and removal of gridded data sets #####*) (*************************************************************) PROCEDURE InstallAtGridDataSetChangedHandler( gch: AtGridDataSetChangeP ); (* This procedure allows to install a handler "gch" which is called each time a change in the GridDataSets occurs. *) PROCEDURE DefineGridDataSet( VAR gds : GridDataSet; dataID : LONGINT; (* identifier of data *) dataDescr : ARRAY OF CHAR; (* description of data *) sectorID : LONGINT; (* identifier of sector *) sectorDescr : ARRAY OF CHAR; (* description of sector *) nRows : INTEGER; (* Number of points in y-direction *) nCols : INTEGER; (* Number of points in x-direction *) inDegrees : BOOLEAN; (* Specify as TRUE if minLon/minLat/cellSize are degrees. Specify as FALSE if the meta-information refers to an arbitrary X/Y coordinate system. *) minLon : REAL; (* longitude of lower left corner *) minLat : REAL; (* latitude of lower left corner *) cellSize : REAL; (* cell size *) nDataMats : INTEGER; (* number of data matrices *) VAR resCode : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* Defines a new gridded data set. If data set "gds" already exists, it is redefined. *) PROCEDURE RemoveGridDataSet( VAR gds: GridDataSet ); PROCEDURE RemoveAllGridDataSets; (*********************************************************************) (*##### Retrieval of gridded data sets and their attributes #####*) (*********************************************************************) PROCEDURE NGridDataSets():INTEGER; (* IF VERSION_STONYBROOK *) (*. PROCEDURE GetGridDataSets( VAR gds : ARRAY OF BYTE; VAR nGridDataSets : INTEGER); .*) (* ENDIF VERSION_STONYBROOK *) (* IF VERSION_MacMETH *) PROCEDURE GetGridDataSets( VAR gds : ARRAY OF GridDataSet; VAR nGridDataSets : INTEGER); (* ENDIF VERSION_MacMETH *) (* IF VERSION_EPC *) (*. PROCEDURE GetGridDataSets( VAR gds : ARRAY OF GridDataSet; VAR nGridDataSets : INTEGER); .*) (* ENDIF VERSION_EPC *) PROCEDURE GridDataSetExists( gds: GridDataSet ): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE GetGridDataSetAttrs( gds : GridDataSet; VAR dataID : LONGINT; VAR dataDescr : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR sectorID : LONGINT; VAR sectorDescr : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR nRows : INTEGER; VAR nCols : INTEGER; VAR inDegrees : BOOLEAN; VAR minLon : REAL; VAR maxLon : REAL; VAR minLat : REAL; VAR maxLat : REAL; VAR cellSize : REAL; VAR nDataMats : INTEGER ); (* NOTE: minLon/maxLon and minLat/maxLat returned according to the GDS convention, i.e. they denote the coordinates of the most westerly/easterly, respectively southerly/northerly gridpoints. *) PROCEDURE GetGridDataSetDim( gds: GridDataSet; VAR nRows, nCols, nDataMats: INTEGER ); PROCEDURE GridDataSetDataID( gds: GridDataSet ): LONGINT; PROCEDURE GetGridDataSetDataDescr( gds: GridDataSet; VAR dataDescr: ARRAY OF CHAR ); PROCEDURE GridDataSetSectorID( gds: GridDataSet ): LONGINT; PROCEDURE GetGridDataSetSectorDescr( gds: GridDataSet; VAR sectorDescr: ARRAY OF CHAR ); PROCEDURE GridDataSetNumRows( gds: GridDataSet ): INTEGER; PROCEDURE GridDataSetNumCols( gds: GridDataSet ): INTEGER; PROCEDURE GridDataSetIsInDegrees( gds: GridDataSet ): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE GridDataSetMinLon( gds: GridDataSet ): REAL; PROCEDURE GridDataSetMaxLon( gds: GridDataSet ): REAL; PROCEDURE GridDataSetMinLat( gds: GridDataSet ): REAL; PROCEDURE GridDataSetMaxLat( gds: GridDataSet ): REAL; PROCEDURE GridDataSetCellSize( gds: GridDataSet ): REAL; PROCEDURE GridDataSetNumDataMats( gds: GridDataSet ): INTEGER; (********************************************************) (*##### Setting of gridded data set attributes #####*) (********************************************************) PROCEDURE SetGridDataSetDataID( gds: GridDataSet; dataID: LONGINT ); PROCEDURE SetGridDataSetDataDescr( gds: GridDataSet; dataDescr: ARRAY OF CHAR ); PROCEDURE SetGridDataSetSectorID( gds: GridDataSet; sectorID: LONGINT ); PROCEDURE SetGridDataSetSectorDescr( gds: GridDataSet; sectorDescr: ARRAY OF CHAR ); (************************************************************) (*##### Testing of gridded datasets and attributes #####*) (************************************************************) PROCEDURE SetGridpointCoordRelTol( relTol: REAL ); PROCEDURE GridpointCoordRelTol(): REAL; (* Set or get the relative tolerance for the coordinates of a gridpoint. A gridpoint is accepted as being consistent with the definition of a given grid if it is located within a rectangular region with height = width = 2*relTol*cellSize surrounding a gridpoint of the grid. The default value for relTol is 0.01 (i.e., 1%). The relative tolerance is considered when testing the corectness of a given coordinate in procedures XCoordOK/YCoordOK, when using one of the procedures Get/SetGridpointValue (see below), or when reading the coordinates for a GridDataSet given in listFormat with the aid of procedure ReadGridDataSet from module GridDSIO. *) PROCEDURE GridDataSetOK( gds : GridDataSet; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE GridDataMatOK( gds : GridDataSet; dataMatNr : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE XCoordOK( gds : GridDataSet; xCoord : REAL; mustBeOnGrid : BOOLEAN; VAR isInSector : BOOLEAN; VAR isOnGrid : BOOLEAN; VAR closestCol : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE YCoordOK( gds : GridDataSet; yCoord : REAL; mustBeOnGrid : BOOLEAN; VAR isInSector : BOOLEAN; VAR isOnGrid : BOOLEAN; VAR closestRow : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE GridPointOK( gds : GridDataSet; xCoord : REAL; yCoord : REAL; mustBeOnGrid : BOOLEAN; VAR pointIsInSector : BOOLEAN; VAR pointIsOnGrid : BOOLEAN; VAR closestRow : INTEGER; VAR closestCol : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; (******************************************) (*##### Get/set gridpoint values #####*) (******************************************) PROCEDURE GetGridpointValue( gds : GridDataSet; dataMatNr : INTEGER; xCoord : REAL; yCoord : REAL; VAR value : REAL; VAR resCode : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ); PROCEDURE SetGridpointValue( gds : GridDataSet; dataMatNr : INTEGER; xCoord : REAL; yCoord : REAL; value : REAL; VAR resCode : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* Access to of gridpoint values using direct access to data matrices *) PROCEDURE GetDataMatrix( gds: GridDataSet; dataMatNr: INTEGER ): DataMatrix; PROCEDURE GetMatEle( mat: DataMatrix; row, col: INTEGER; VAR r: REAL ); (* does not check inputs! *) PROCEDURE SetMatEle( mat: DataMatrix; row, col: INTEGER; r: REAL ); (* does not check inputs! *) END GridDataSets.