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DEFINITION MODULE GridDSIO; (******************************************************************* Module GridDSIO (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Dimitrios Gyalistras and ETH Zurich. Purpose File input/output of gridded data sets. Remarks For general management of gridded data sets see module GridDataSets. Data sets can be read and written in the following formats: 1. GDS standard format (read & write) 2. Interchange format (write only) 3. GDS list format (read & write) 4. ARC/INFO format (read & write) IMPORTANT NOTE: In the ARC/INFO format the attributes "xllcorner" and "yllcorner" denote the location of the LOWER LEFT CORNER of the lower left GRID CELL. In contrast, in the GDS standard and list formats, these attributes denote the LOCATION of the lower left GRIDPOINT. Hence, depending on the output format chosen, the attribute values given for "xllcorner" and "yllcorner" may differ by 0.5*cellsize. Note also that the attributes of a gridded data set are always returned according to the GDS convention, NOT according to the ARC/INFO convention. Programming o Design Dimitrios Gyalistras 19/09/2001 o Implementation Dimitrios Gyalistras 19/09/2001 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 20/10/2003 DG *******************************************************************) FROM DMFiles IMPORT TextFile; IMPORT Errors; FROM GridDataSets IMPORT GridDataSet; CONST notDone = Errors.onlyAnInsert; (* All procedures exported below return errCode = Errors.allOk if the call to the procedure was succesfull, and resCode = notDone if not. *) TYPE AtReadDataPointP = PROCEDURE( VAR REAL, (* the data point *) VAR ARRAY OF CHAR (* error text to pass on *) ): BOOLEAN; (* if false, reading stops *) TYPE GridDataSetOutputFormat = ( notDefinedFormat, gdsStandardFormat, interchangeFormat, listFormat, (* no missing values in output *) fullListFormat, (* missing values also outputed *) arcInfoFormat ); (***************************) (*##### Auxiliary #####*) (***************************) PROCEDURE GetOutputFormatDescr( outputFormat : GridDataSetOutputFormat; VAR descrStr : ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE GetOutputFormatIdent( outputFormat : GridDataSetOutputFormat; VAR identStr : ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE OutputFormatForIdent( identStr: ARRAY OF CHAR ): GridDataSetOutputFormat; (******************************************) (*##### I/O of gridded data sets #####*) (******************************************) PROCEDURE IsGridDataSetFile( inFName : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE GetGridDataSetHeader( inFileName : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR dataID : LONGINT; (* identifier of data *) VAR dataDescr : ARRAY OF CHAR; (* description of data *) VAR sectorID : LONGINT; (* identifier of sector *) VAR sectorDescr : ARRAY OF CHAR; (* description of sector *) VAR nRows : INTEGER; (* Number of points in y-direction *) VAR nCols : INTEGER; (* Number of points in x-direction *) VAR minLon : REAL; (* longitude of lower left corner *) VAR minLat : REAL; (* latitude of lower left corner *) VAR cellSize : REAL; (* cell size *) VAR resCode : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ReadGridDataSet( inFileName : ARRAY OF CHAR; inDegrees : BOOLEAN; atReadDataPoint : AtReadDataPointP; progrReprt : PROC; VAR gds : GridDataSet; VAR resCode : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Reads a gridded data set from the file "inFileName" and marks it with the identifier "gds". If a data set with this identifier already existed, and no error occurrred during reading, it is replaced by the newly read one. Specify "inDegrees" as TRUE if the attributes minLon/minLat/cellSize are expected in degrees. The procedure "atReadDataPoint" is called each time a data point has been read and aborts reading if it returns FALSE. Note, missing data are denoted by the value DMConversions.UndefREAL(). Procedure "progrReprt" is called each time a data set has been processed or every 5000 data points read. Note: acceptance of x- and y-coordinates as read from a file in "listFormat" depends on the current settings for the coordinates' relative tolerance (see procedure GridpointCoordRelTol in module GridDataSets). *) PROCEDURE WriteGridDataSet( VAR outF : TextFile; gds : GridDataSet; format : GridDataSetOutputFormat; noDataStr : ARRAY OF CHAR; nDecDigits : INTEGER; (* number of digits behind decimal point to consider for output *) VAR resCode : INTEGER; VAR errTxt : ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* Writes the gridded data set with identifier "gds" to file "outF". Note: files written in "interchangeFormat" can NOT be re-read by means of procedure "ReadGridDataSet". *) END GridDSIO.