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DEFINITION MODULE SimObjects; (***************************************************************** Module SimObjects (MW_V3.0) Copyright (c) 1991-2006 by Dimitrios Gyalistras, Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich. Purpose Access to the model and model objects base of 'ModelWorks', plus procedures to attach reference attributes to 'ModelWorks' objects. Remarks This module is part of the optional client interface of 'ModelWorks', an interactive Modula-2 modelling and simulation environment. Programming o Design Dimitrios Gyalistras 25/07/1991 Andreas Fischlin 27/11/1992 o Implementation Dimitrios Gyalistras 31/07/1991 Andreas Fischlin 27/11/1992 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 30/05/1998 AF *******************************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS; FROM DMStrings IMPORT String; FROM SimBase IMPORT Model, StashFiling, Tabulation, Graphing; (****************************) (*##### Attributes #####*) (****************************) TYPE RefAttr; VAR aDetachedRefAttr: RefAttr; (* read only variable *) PROCEDURE AttachRefAttrToModel (m: Model; VAR a: RefAttr; val: ADDRESS); PROCEDURE DetachRefAttrFromModel(m: Model; VAR a: RefAttr ); PROCEDURE AttachRefAttrToObject (m: Model; VAR o: REAL; VAR a: RefAttr; val: ADDRESS); PROCEDURE DetachRefAttrFromObject(m: Model; VAR o: REAL; VAR a: RefAttr ); PROCEDURE FindModelRefAttr (m: Model; VAR a: RefAttr); PROCEDURE FindObjectRefAttr(m: Model; VAR o: REAL; VAR a: RefAttr); PROCEDURE SetRefAttr(a: RefAttr; val: ADDRESS); PROCEDURE GetRefAttr(a: RefAttr): ADDRESS; (* You may associate with any model or model object an address attribute by calling AttachRefAttrToModel respectively AttachRefAttrToObject. The attribute's value may then be freely used via SetRefAttr for assignments or GetRefAttr for retrieval purposes. RefAttrs are particularly useful when using one of the SimBase.DoForAllXYZ procedures. Note that in case there is currently no attribute attached to a model or object, the value aDetachedRefAttr is passed by ModelWorks. It is also possible to access an attribute via model respectively model plus object by the procedures FindModelRefAttr respectively FindObjectRefAttr. Note however, that the latter method is less efficient and is therefore not recommended in heavy number-crunching simulations. Again aDetachedRefAttr is returned in case there is currently no attribute attached. *) PROCEDURE CurCalcMRefAttr(): ADDRESS; (* Returns first attribute associated to the model of which the initialize, input, output, or dynamic etc. procedure is currently calculated. The value NIL is returned if (SimMaster.MWState <> simulating) or (SimMaster.MWSubState <> running), or if no attribute has been attached to the model. *) PROCEDURE CurAboutMRefAttr(): ADDRESS; (* Returns first attribute associated to the model of which the about procedure is currently executed. The value NIL is returned if this procedure is called outside 'about'. *) (***********************************) (*##### Subprogram levels #####*) (***********************************) (* Only of relevance if implementation features a dynamic linking-loader such as is the case for MacMETH. *) PROCEDURE ModelLevel(m: Model): CARDINAL; (* Returns the program level at which model m has been instanciated if the model exists, otherwise 0. *) PROCEDURE ObjectLevel(m: Model; VAR o: REAL): CARDINAL; (* Returns the program level at which object o of model m has been instanciated if such an object exists, otherwise 0. *) (*********************************************) (*##### Direct object manipulations #####*) (*********************************************) (* the following type and procedures allow for very efficient access to the most important ModelWorks objects. These information are provided for the advanced client who writes additional, generally usable tools for the ModelWorks environment. The direct access to some of these data can be risky - the programmer ought to understand well what he/she does. *) TYPE MWObj = (Mo, SV, Pa, MV, AV ); RealPtr = POINTER TO REAL; PtrToClientObject = ADDRESS; ModelPtr = POINTER TO ModelHeader; ModelHeader = RECORD ident : String; descr : String; fill1 : String; (* not used *) fill2 : RealPtr; (* not used *) fill3, (* not used *) fill4 : REAL; (* not used *) nrAttr : INTEGER; refAttr : PtrToClientObject; (* read only *) chAttr : CHAR; (* may be freely used to mark the object *) kind : MWObj; (* read only!! *) parentM : Model; (* owning model/system, used for hierarchical modeling *) next : ModelPtr; (* read only!! *) prev : ModelPtr; (* read only!! *) lev : CARDINAL; (* read only!! *) END(*ModelHeader*); MObjPtr = POINTER TO MObjectHeader; MObjectHeader = RECORD ident : String; descr : String; unit : String; varAdr : RealPtr; (* read only!!; real itself may be altered is the actual state var in case of an sv *) min, max : REAL; (* is curScaleMin, curScaleMax in case of mv *) nrAttr : INTEGER; (* SimBase.Attribute *) refAttr : PtrToClientObject; (* read only *) chAttr : CHAR; (* may be freely used to mark the object; e.g. used by module IdentifyPars to mark parameters for identification. *) kind : MWObj; (* read only!! *) parentM : Model; (* read only!! *) next : MObjPtr; (* read only!! *) prev : MObjPtr; (* read only!! *) lev : CARDINAL; (* read only!! *) END(*MObjectHeader*); (* Note: In case of a state variable, its derivative or new state, respectively, plus its initial values are not among the fields of MObjectHeader; use procedure SVsDeriv and GetSVsInits to access them. Similarily, in case of a monitoring variable, the monitoring attributes can only be accessed via the routines GetMVsDfltMon and GetMVsCurMon. *) PROCEDURE MPtrToM(m: ModelPtr): Model; PROCEDURE MToMPtr(m: Model): ModelPtr; PROCEDURE FirstM(): ModelPtr; PROCEDURE FirstSV( m: Model ): MObjPtr; PROCEDURE SVsDeriv( objp: MObjPtr ): RealPtr; PROCEDURE GetSVsInits( objp: MObjPtr; VAR defaultInit,curInit: REAL); PROCEDURE FirstP ( m: Model ): MObjPtr; PROCEDURE FirstMV( m: Model ): MObjPtr; PROCEDURE GetMVsDfltMon ( objp: MObjPtr; VAR defaultScaleMin,defaultScaleMax: REAL; VAR defaultSf: StashFiling; VAR defaultT: Tabulation; VAR defaultG: Graphing); PROCEDURE GetMVsCurMon( objp: MObjPtr; VAR curSf: StashFiling; VAR curT: Tabulation; VAR curG: Graphing); PROCEDURE IsSystem(m: ModelPtr): BOOLEAN; (* Lets you learn whether the model m is a pseudo model representing only an ISIS System (see ISIS module SysModBase). Ignore such models, since they are no real dynamic models belonging to ModelWorks. WARNING: Never remove any of these models, in particular not the very first or you risk to seriously disrupt the functioning of the overall system dynamics. Note, however, it is still safe to call SimBase.RemoveAllModels. *) PROCEDURE LastM(): ModelPtr; PROCEDURE LastSV( m: Model ): MObjPtr; PROCEDURE LastP ( m: Model ): MObjPtr; PROCEDURE LastMV( m: Model ): MObjPtr; (****************************************) (*##### Removing model objects #####*) (****************************************) PROCEDURE RemoveAllSVsOfM (m: Model); PROCEDURE RemoveAllPsOfM (m: Model); PROCEDURE RemoveAllMVsOfM (m: Model); PROCEDURE RemoveAllOfM (m: Model); (* Efficient removal routines which let you remove model objects without having to remove the owning model itself (useful to preserve relative positioning of models, yet to efficiently remove model objects). *) END SimObjects.