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DEFINITION MODULE SysIODivert; (******************************************************************* Module SysIODivert (ISIS_Version_1.2) Copyright (c) 1998-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich. Purpose Divert (redirect) subsystem inputs or outputs. Remarks A diverted input is read from a file. A diverted output is written to a file. This module belongs to ISIS Integrative Systems Implementation Software. Programming o Design Andreas Fischlin 20/05/1998 o Implementation Andreas Fischlin 20/05/1998 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 29/05/1998 AF *******************************************************************) TYPE Redirection; (* Error constants: sysIODivertMsgOffset = DMLanguage.userBase + 420 .. 430-1 *) VAR noRedirection: Redirection; (* read only *) (* Redirections can coexist with data linking among subsystems as provided by module SysModBase. In case of an output redirection, the outpus are simply also written in parallel to the output file, in case of inputs the data received via links are overwritten with those which could be read from the currently open input file. Naming conventions are the same as those used for data linking, i.e. unqualified identifiers of outputs must match those of inputs in order to be successful, except for redirections which are established for individual pairs using DivertInV or DivertOutV. Files are specified using a file name which is optionally preceeded by a path. Path construction follows the rules of the particular computer platform on which this module is executed. No redirection file is actually opened or created in case there are currently no output or input variables actually declared. The involved file is opened the moment a redirection is successfully declared. You may also pass the empty string as actual argument for pfn. In this case a file dialog is offered, which lets you choose a file interactively (see also routine GetDivertFile). Similarily a file opening dialog is offered if the pfn does not denote correctly an existing file or if the file is not fully accessible according to the needs of the redirection (e.g. already opened for writing by another application). *) PROCEDURE DivertInputsForSubSys(VAR r: Redirection; subSystemDescr,pfn: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE DivertOutputsForSubSys(VAR r: Redirection; subSystemDescr,pfn: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE DivertInputsForModel(VAR r: Redirection; model,pfn: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE DivertOutputsForModel(VAR r: Redirection; model,pfn: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE DivertInV(VAR r: Redirection; outVarQualIdent,inVarQualIdent,pfn: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Searches in file 'pfn' a variable with identifier outVarQualIdent and diverts the values found in the file to the input variable with the name inVarQualIdent. inVarQualIdent must be a currently declared model object. *) PROCEDURE DivertOutV(VAR r: Redirection; outVarQualIdent,inVarQualIdent,pfn: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Diverts the value of output variable outVarQualIdent to the output file 'pfn' under the name of the potential input variable with the identifier inVarQualIdent. outVarQualIdent must be a currently declared model object. *) PROCEDURE RedirectionActive(r: Redirection): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE GetDivertFile(r: Redirection; VAR path,fn: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Returns the path and name of the file involved in the redirection r. Note, since it is also possible to divert by passing as actual argument the empty string for parameter pfn (see routines DivertInputsForSubSys, DivertOutputsForSubSys, ... till DivertOutV) this routine returns to the program which file the user has actually chosen. Returns empty strings only in case the redirection is not active. *) PROCEDURE GetDivertedMObjs (VAR inVQualIds, outVQualIds: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR noInVs,noOutVs: INTEGER); (* Return the identifiers and numbers of all model objects involved in a redirection, listed separately for inputs and outputs. The identifiers are separated by the delimiter "|" (Hint: See routine ExtractSubString from module DMStrings to extract individual identifiers). *) PROCEDURE StopRedirection(VAR r: Redirection); PROCEDURE StopAllRedirections; (* Stopping a redirection does also close any possibly involved file. *) END SysIODivert.