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DEFINITION MODULE SampleMods; (******************************************************************* Module SampleMods (Easy_ModelWorks_1.5) Copyright (c) 1996-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich. Purpose Supports the definition of a custom collection of sample models to be executed from within 'Easy ModelWorks'. Remarks Up to a maximum of 6 sample models can be installed. These sample models are freely editable and are ordinary 'Easy ModelWorks' models. The only difference to user defined ones is that they are defined (entered) via programing, i.e. by using the client interface of 'Easy ModelWorks'. The latter is provided by the module EasyMWFcts ('Easy ModelWorks' Functions). Reimplement this module to customize 'Easy ModelWorks' to your needs, for instance while teaching another subject than ecological modeling or control theory. Note, this technique has an important implication: In order to recompile a new implementation of this module you need a compiler (eventually also a linker, depending on your computer platform) and ModelWorks. None of these tools are needed if you work only with ordinary 'Easy ModelWorks' models (where you do not even need a text editor to edit 'Easy ModelWorks' models. Although you can optionally use a text editor to write Easy ModelWorks models, this can of course also be acomplished from within 'Easy ModelWorks' itself). All needed software tools are available as freeware for any Macintosh computer (given it has at least 1 MB RAM). ModelWorks is also available as freeware for IBM-PCs, but to reprogram the sample modules you require a development environment which is only commercially available. For the currently valid specifications see the www site respectively ftp host addresses given below. At the same addresses you can also obtain all freeware. In addition it is optionally also possible to implement or import ordinary ModelWorks Model Definition Programs (MDPs) via this module, e.g. by programming a MDP within this module (see sample code wihin local module of the implementation template (file SampleMods.TEMPLATE.MOD) or by importing MDPs from other modules. Any such MDP has to be announced to 'Easy ModelWorks' by installing it via procedure StructModAux.AssignSubModel. IMPORTANT NOTE: This definition module MUST NOT be changed. Only its implementation may be freely modified. Reference: Fischlin et al., 1994. ModelWorks - An Interactive Simulation Environment for Personal Computers and Workstations. Systems Ecology Report #14, 324pp. Programming o Design Andreas Fischlin 10/04/1996 o Implementation Andreas Fischlin 10/04/1996 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 16/04/1996 AF *******************************************************************) CONST maxSmplMods = 6; TYPE CmdText = ARRAY [0..63] OF CHAR; VAR subMenuTitle: CmdText; sampleModelCmdText: ARRAY [1..maxSmplMods] OF CmdText; userFctCmdText: CmdText; userFctAliasChar: CHAR; (* Above strings (idents) are the ones 'Easy ModelWorks' uses as menu text respectively command text in its submenu "Sample Models" (= default subMenuTitle). You may assign any text to them in order to customize 'Easy ModelWorks' to your needs. If you specify a string as empty, the corresponding menu command will not be installed. In particular, if you specify subMenuTitle as empty string, none of the procedures below (SampleModel1 .. SampleModel6, announced MDPs, UserFunction) become accessible for the 'Easy ModelWorks' user. *) chooseMDPCmdText: CmdText; chooseMDPAliasChar: CHAR; (* IMPORTANT NOTE: In contrast to the rule given above, the menu command chooseMDPCmdText behaves differently: First, if some of your modules currently executing call EasyMWFcts.AnnounceMWMDP, the needed menu command will be installed, regardless of an empty chooseMDPCmdText (using default text "ModelWorks MDP..."). Secondly, the command becomes visible only in the to so-called power user mode of 'Easy ModelWorks'. This is because the access of ordinary ModelWorks MDPs is intended mainly for users who already know ModelWorks well, for students it may be rather confusing. For instance 'Easy ModelWorks'' help, can't explain the use of ModelWorks standard simulation environment, hence it should remain reserved to power users, e.g. teachers using 'Easy ModelWorks' also to demonstrate a MDP. The mode power user on-off, can only be toggled with a hidden key combination, i.e. Cmd^Shift^Caps-lock^P. *) PROCEDURE SampleModel1; PROCEDURE SampleModel2; PROCEDURE SampleModel3; PROCEDURE SampleModel4; PROCEDURE SampleModel5; PROCEDURE SampleModel6; PROCEDURE UserFunction; (* UserFunction may be used to provide any additional function. Since it is possible to learn which sample model is currently in use from within this function, you can provide an additional user function to any sample model by a large CASE statement within UserFunction. A typical use of this mechanism is to show the signal flow diagram of the sample models, e.g. by provididing parameter editing via scroll bars or edit fields within the diagram. Use the 'Dialog Machine' for easy programing of these functions (also available as part of RAMSES). *) END SampleMods.