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DEFINITION MODULE DMPortab; (******************************************************************* Module DMPortab ('Dialog Machine' DM_V3.0) Copyright (c) 1995-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich. Purpose Support full portability of the source code of 'Dialog Machine' programs among Modula-2 compilers. Since different platforms are likely to require different compilers, this enhances also cross-platform portability. Remarks An example of such functions are the standard environment functions FLOATD (MacMETH) or LFLOAT (EPC Modula-2 Sun). Only those functions are provided by this module which can't be avoided by any other means (see also Thoeny, 1995. Practical considerations on writing portable Modula-2 code. Systems Ecology Report No. 20, 6pp). This module belongs to the 'Dialog Machine'. Programming o Design Andreas Fischlin 14/11/1995 o Implementation Andreas Fischlin 14/11/1995 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 22/08/2004 AF *******************************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT BYTE; VAR zero, one,two, ten, hundred, thousand: LONGREAL; (* read only *) zeroLI, oneLI,twoLI, tenLI, hundredLI, thousandLI: LONGINT; (* read only *) PROCEDURE SameProc (p1,p2: ARRAY OF BYTE): BOOLEAN; (* Compares two procedure variables for identity, i.e. whether the two variables have been assigned the same procedure or not. Make sure you pass as actual arguments just two procedure variables, not an actual procedure identifier; some compilers, e.g. the MacMETH compiler, might not accept the latter. *) PROCEDURE LIFLOAT(x: LONGINT): LONGREAL; PROCEDURE LCFLOAT(x: LONGCARD): LONGREAL; PROCEDURE LITRUNC(x: LONGREAL): LONGINT; PROCEDURE LCTRUNC(x: LONGREAL): LONGCARD; (* Allows for avoiding the use of non portable standard functions such as TRUNCD, LONGTRUNC etc. in expressions, hereby enhancing the portability, albeit at the cost of efficiency. However, these functions are implemented with the highest efficiency available on the particular machine *) PROCEDURE LONGINTConst(str: ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGINT; PROCEDURE LONGCARDConst(str: ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGCARD; PROCEDURE LONGREALConst(str: ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGREAL; (* Not very efficient, but highly portable way to force constants to be computed to highest possible precision. For instance 0.123456789012D (note the D at the end) is not a portable constant definition, but is required on the Mac by the MacMETH language in order to avoid truncation of this constant after the 7th digit. However, LONGREALConst("0.123456789012") will have the same effect (albeit not a true constant) and warrants a portable assignment of a double precision real (LONGREAL) or long integer (LONGINT) number. *) PROCEDURE LI(x: INTEGER ): LONGINT; PROCEDURE SI(x: LONGINT ): INTEGER; PROCEDURE LC(x: CARDINAL): LONGCARD; PROCEDURE SC(x: LONGCARD): CARDINAL; PROCEDURE LR(x: REAL ): LONGREAL; PROCEDURE SR(x: LONGREAL): REAL; (* Since older Modula-2 language definitions did not recognize long elementary data types, some standard functions which accomplish type transfers vary from implementation to implementation. Above routines provide fully portable type conversions between long and short types, which is convenient in mixed expressions. The implementation exploits assignment compatibility between these types, which is normally available in all language implementations. *) END DMPortab.