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DEFINITION MODULE StateEvents; (******************************************************************* Module StateEvents (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 1994-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich. Purpose Support the detection of state events in ModelWorks simulations. Remarks This module imports from the ModelWorks client interface. Programming o Design Andreas Fischlin 10/03/1994 o Implementation Andreas Fischlin 10/03/1994 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 10/03/1994 AF *******************************************************************) FROM SimBase IMPORT StateVar; TYPE StateEvt; VAR unexpectedStateEvt: StateEvt; (* read only! *) (* Read only variable which may be used for variables of type StateEvt to denote that they have not yet been declared, i.e. ExpectStateEvt has not yet been called. It is a good programming practice to assign this value to all state event variables during the initialization phase of a program. *) PROCEDURE ExpectStateEvt(VAR evt: StateEvt; x: StateVar; theta1,theta2: REAL); (* Declare a state event evt, which is expected to occur as soon as theta1 <= x <= theta2. Note that this procedure allows to detect state events according to the following four cases: case remark condition typical call -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (i) exact match x = theta ExpectStateEvt(evt,x,theta,theta); (ii) smaller than x <= theta ExpectStateEvt(evt,x,MIN(REAL),theta); (iii) bigger than x >= theta ExpectStateEvt(evt,x,theta,MAX(REAL)); (iv) in range th1<=x<=th2 ExpectStateEvt(evt,x,th1,th2); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For actual state event detection see comments on procedure IsStateEvt. Important Note: In case (i) x must contain the correct current value of the state variable, otherwise state event detection may fail. ExpectStateEvt may also be called to redefine state events which have already been declared previously, i.e. it acts as SetStateEvt. Implementation restriction: case (i) requires to pass two really identical actual arguments for the formal parameters th1 and th2. *) PROCEDURE StateEvtExpected(evt: StateEvt): BOOLEAN; (* Checks wether the event evt is currently really expected, i.e. evt has been declared by a call to ExpectStateEvt. *) PROCEDURE IsStateEvt(evt: StateEvt; x: StateVar): BOOLEAN; (* Returns whether state event occurred, i.e. the current value of x satiesfies the condition associated with evt (see comments on procedure ExpectStateEvt). By definition, in the case (i) the state event can occur only once, in all other cases IsStateEvt returns TRUE as long as the condition, theta1 <= x <= theta2 is satisified. Note, in case (i) no exact match is actually detected, i.e. no iteration is performed by the run time system till the event is matched with a given precision. Instead it is detected wether the coordinate x of the trajectory of the state variable x has actually crossed the value theta during the last integration step, i.e. the current state x is in the other half subspace (theta divides space of x into 2 half spaces) than it was at the begin of the last time step. Thus, in case of a continous time system (DESS) x may not exactly match theta but only be close to theta. The precision of the match may vary, depending on the current integration step. This implementation offers the advantage, that it can also be used for difference equations (SQM) or discrete event systems (DEVS), where theta might not be defined at all and iteration procedures are likely not to converge. Non-scalar state events can be detected by calling IsStateEvt for each component one after the other. Thus, only state events can be detected where the current state falls into an orthogonal region of the system's state space. *) PROCEDURE SetStateEvt(evt: StateEvt; x: StateVar; theta1,theta2: REAL); PROCEDURE GetStateEvt(evt: StateEvt; VAR theta1,theta2: REAL); (* Allow to set or get the current specifications of an already declared state event evt. For the meaning of the parameters see procedures ExpectStateEvt respectively IsStateEvt. *) PROCEDURE IgnoreStateEvt(VAR evt: StateEvt); (* Ignore from now on any state event evt, i.e. reverse effect of ExpectStateEvt. *) END StateEvents.