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DEFINITION MODULE SimLib0; (******************************************************************* Module SimLib0 (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Markus Ulrich and ETH Zurich. Purpose Basic procedures for the integration of systems of differential or difference equations. Remarks Three integration methods for differential (Euler-Cauchy, Heun and Runge-Kutta 4th-order) and one for discrete systems can be selected . A discrete or continuous system described by difference or differencial equations packed in a procedure can be installed. Programming o Design Markus Ulrich 15/04/1986 o Implementation Markus Ulrich 15/04/1986 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 15/04/1986 MU *******************************************************************) (********************************) (* General parameters *) (********************************) CONST nmax = 10; (* maximal model order*) TYPE EquationProcedure = PROCEDURE(VAR ARRAY OF REAL, VAR ARRAY OF REAL); VAR time: REAL; PROCEDURE InstallModel(m:EquationProcedure); (* This procedure installs a procedure, which must contain the differential/difference equations of the model. All subsequent actions performed by SimLib0, especially the procedure "Integrate", are undertaken with these model equations. The procedure m has to be organized in the following way: The first parameter (x: ARRAY OF REAL) represents the state vector (the array of all state variables). With these values, the procedure m should calculate all deviations (dx/dt) (continuous) or all x(k+1) (discrete) and return them as the second parameter of the procedure (dx: ARRAY OF REAL). Example for m: PROCEDURE TheModel(VAR x,dx: ARRAY OF REAL); BEGIN dx[1]:= x[1] - 0.5 * x[2]; dx[2]:= -0.1 * x[2]; END TheModel; ... InstallModel(TheModel); *) (********************************) (* Integration *) (********************************) TYPE IntegrationMethod = (Euler, Heun, RungeKutta4, DiscreteTime); PROCEDURE SetIntegrationMethod(m:IntegrationMethod); PROCEDURE GetIntegrationMethod(VAR m:IntegrationMethod); PROCEDURE SetIntegrationStep(step: REAL); PROCEDURE GetIntegrationStep(VAR step: REAL); TYPE IntegrationProc = PROCEDURE(VAR ARRAY OF REAL, VAR ARRAY OF REAL); VAR Integrate: IntegrationProc; (* a) Heun, Euler, or Runge-Kutta method installed: Given the state vector x[time] as the first parameter, this procedure calculates the new state vector s[time+step], and returns it as the second parameter. Time is automatically updated (time:= time+step;). b) DiscreteTime method installed: Given x[k] as the first parameter, this procedure calculates the new state vector x[k+1] and returns it as the second parameter. Time, representing k, is incremented by 1. Integration step procedures have no effect on that method. "Integrate" acts on the currently installed model. *) END SimLib0.