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DEFINITION MODULE RelHandler; (******************************************************************* Module RelHandler (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 1991-2006 by Dimitrios Gyalistras and ETH Zurich. Purpose Management of n:n-type relations between objects. Remarks Usage of this module is based on terms taken from graph-theory. - Objects correspond to "nodes", relations correspond to "arcs" (ordered pairs of nodes). - The sets of nodes and arcs constitute a "directed graph" or "digraph". - A sequence of nodes is called a "path", a path from a node to itself a "cycle". - A node (object) x is called "adjacent" to a node y, if there is an arc from y to x. Literature: .... Chap.7, Graphs and their applications. Programming o Design Dimitrios Gyalistras 14/03/1991 o Implementation Dimitrios Gyalistras 14/03/1991 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 06/05/1996 FT *******************************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS; TYPE Object = RECORD id : ADDRESS; type: INTEGER; END; (* ------------------------ Module usage -------------------- *) PROCEDURE InitializeRelationHandler( maxObjects: INTEGER ); (* (Re)Initializes handler able to handle relations between "maxObjects" Objects. *) PROCEDURE ReleaseRelationHandler; (* Releases handler and all allocated memory space. *) (* ------------ Digraph definition and modification --------- *) PROCEDURE NotifyObject( obj: Object ); (* Notifies the existence of an object identified by its ident "obj.id" AND its type "obj.type", corresponding to a new node. Operation has no effect, if the object has been already notified. *) PROCEDURE IsNotified( obj: Object ): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE, if an object has been already notified with id="obj.id" AND type="obj.type" *) PROCEDURE DenotifyObject( obj: Object ); (* Denotifies the existence of an object identified by "obj.id" AND "obj.type", if such an object exists. All relations from other objects to "obj" are removed. *) PROCEDURE Relate( obj, toObj: Object ); (* Adds an arc from "obj" to "toObj" if both parameters denote different objects, and if an arc does not already exist. *) PROCEDURE Related( obj, toObj: Object ): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if "obj" and "toObj" both exist and an arc exists from "obj" to "toObj". *) PROCEDURE Unrelate( obj, toObj: Object ); (* Removes arc from "obj" to "toObj" if such an arc exists. *) (* ------------------- Operations on Digraph -----------------*) PROCEDURE RelatedTo( obj: ADDRESS; VAR lst: ARRAY OF Object; VAR count: INTEGER ); (* Returns in "lst" a list of all objects for which "obj" is adjacent, in "count" the number of valid elements in "lst". *) PROCEDURE AdjacentTo( obj: ADDRESS; VAR lst: ARRAY OF Object; VAR count: INTEGER ); (* Returns in "lst" a list of all objects adjacent to "obj", in "count" the number of valid elements in "lst". *) PROCEDURE CircularPaths( startFromObj: ADDRESS; VAR path : ARRAY OF Object; VAR lgth : INTEGER ):BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if, following all possible paths starting from "startFromObj", a circle is encountered, otherwise FALSE. In the case of a circularity, "path" will contain the objects-sequence constituting the circle and "lgth" its length (= the number of valid elements in "path"; maximum returned nodes are "HIGH(path)-1", even if actual path is longer).*) PROCEDURE CircularGraph( VAR path: ARRAY OF Object; VAR lgth: INTEGER ):BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if a circularity exists in current graph. "path" and "node:" see above. *) END RelHandler.