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DEFINITION MODULE Preferences; (******************************************************************* Module Preferences (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 1996-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich. Purpose Manage preferences on behalf of a program. Remarks Stores preferences permanently in the resource fork of the file prefsFileName (e.g. the program module object code file like "MyMainMod.OBM" or "MyMainMod.R") the resource of type "STR " with ID = prefsID. The preference string s has this format n = 2 m = HIGH(modes)+1 Part of s Stored value Meaning -------------------------------------------- s[0..1] m Number of modes s[n+i] modes[i] Mode i s[n+m..end] str Any string Example: Store 2 boolean values (modes) and a file name in "MyMainMod.R" with prefsID 7007 write this code CONST noModes = 2; fstMode = 0; sndMode = 1; prefsFN = "MyMainMod.R"; prefsID = 7007; VAR myMode1, myMode2: BOOLEAN; myFileName: ARRAY [0..255] OF CHAR; PROCEDURE StorePrefs; VAR modes: ARRAY [0..noModes-1] OF BOOLEAN; BEGIN modes[fstMode] := myMode1; modes[sndMode] := myMode2; StorePreferences(prefsFN,prefsID,modes,myFileName); END StorePrefs; PROCEDURE RetrievePrefs; VAR modes: ARRAY [0..noModes-1] OF BOOLEAN; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN RetrievePreferences(prefsFN,prefsID,modes,myFileName,done); IF done THEN myMode1 := modes[fstMode]; myMode2 := modes[sndMode]; END(*IF*); END StorePrefs; Programming o Design Andreas Fischlin 12/12/1996 o Implementation Andreas Fischlin 12/12/1996 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 02/02/1997 AF *******************************************************************) CONST maxModes = 99; PROCEDURE RetrievePreferences (prefsFileName: ARRAY OF CHAR; prefsID: INTEGER; VAR modes: ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR done: BOOLEAN); (* Retrieve the preference consisting of a number of modes plus a string previously stored with procedure StorePreferences of type "STR " with ID prefsID in the file prefsFileName. Note, prefsFileName can be the empty string. In this case resources are searched according to the so-called default search strategy, i.e. first in the resource fork of the currently executing program module's object file (ProgramModule.OBM), in the running application (typically a shell or if the program module has been linked into an application, in the resource fork of this application), or if still not found, the search continues to the System File. done returns the success of the retrieval, regardless of the cause of the error (given file does not exist or the file does not contain the wanted resource etc.). If done = FALSE, modes and str have not been changed. *) PROCEDURE StorePreferences (prefsFileName: ARRAY OF CHAR; prefsID: INTEGER; modes: ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; str: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Stores HIGH(modes)+1 modes plus the string str in a resource of type "STR " with ID prefsID in the file prefsFileName. In case there exists no such resource yet, the first time you call this routine, a new resource will be created. It will be named "Prefences" (use ResEdit to change that name, if you wish to have another, more specific one). NOTE: It is recommended to call this routine first with a non-empty prefsFileName, or you will affect the resource fork of the application with which you are developping, e.g. the RAMSES Shell, which is probably not what you actually want. However, once you have created the resource, you can easily pass an empty prefsFileName, given you make sure the resource is present either in the resource fork of the object code of the program module (e.g. by calling utility InsertRes (from MacMETH) or use the project facility to make your program (see RAMSES Help, Topic Projects) or you linked your program as an application. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION: The total length of a preference (including modes and str) must not be longer than 255 bytes or the data will be truncated. *) PROCEDURE AppendStr (VAR dest: ARRAY OF CHAR; substr: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE AppendInt (VAR dest: ARRAY OF CHAR; int: INTEGER); PROCEDURE AppendReal(VAR dest: ARRAY OF CHAR; r: REAL); PROCEDURE ExtractStr (VAR(*speedp-up*) src: ARRAY OF CHAR; start: BOOLEAN; VAR substr: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ExtractInt (VAR(*speedp-up*) src: ARRAY OF CHAR; start: BOOLEAN; VAR int: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ExtractReal(VAR(*speedp-up*) src: ARRAY OF CHAR; start: BOOLEAN; VAR r: REAL); (* Above routines allow for packing substrings into a single string for easier storing of several items in a preference string (E.g. "pref1|23|1.0234||text" holds a string, an integer, a real number, an empty string, and a third string). Substrings are delimited by "|". The appending routines all insert the delimiter before appending a new item, if the destination string is not empty. The extract routines return item (substring) after substring; to start the extraction pass start = TRUE, for all subsequent items pass FALSE. Note: Type BOOLEAN is supported by the modes (see procedures RetrievePreferences/StorePreferences). Above example can be stored with: s:= ""; AppendStr(s,"pref1"); AppendInt(s,23); AppendReal(s,1.0234); AppendStr(s,""); item2 := "text"; AppendStr(s,item2); StorePreferences(...,s); or retrieved with: RetrievePreferences(... s, done) IF done THEN ExtractStr(s,TRUE,pref1); ExtractInt(s,FALSE,myinteger); ExtractReal(s,FALSE,myreal); ExtractStr(s,FALSE,mystring); ExtractStr(s,FALSE,item2); END(*IF*); *) END Preferences.