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DEFINITION MODULE JumpTab; (******************************************************************* Module JumpTab (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 1992-2006 by Juerg Thoeny and ETH Zurich. Purpose Manage jump tables of file positions in text files. Remarks Allows you to store large amounts of data into text files, yet efficiently retrieve individual data sets via a jump table. Programming o Design Juerg Thoeny 07/12/1992 o Implementation Juerg Thoeny 07/12/1992 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 07/12/1992 JT *******************************************************************) TYPE JumpTabErrorCodes = (NoError, FileError, WrongVersion, WrongMachine, NoMemory, TabNotFound, TabAlredyExists, ItemNotFound, WrongMode); (* if you try to access an item of an table which is on disk and not in memory *) TabLocation = (onFile, inMemory); TabHandle; TabItem = RECORD posInfo : LONGINT; ident : INTEGER; attribute : LONGINT; END;(*RECORD*) PROCEDURE NewTab(VAR tab : TabHandle; location : TabLocation) : JumpTabErrorCodes; (* Creates a new table *) (* IN : location determines whether the items should be stored in memory or in a *) (* temporary file *) (* OUT : tab A handle to the created table. *) (* RETURNS : TabAlredyExists *) (* NoMemory if there is not enough memory *) (* FileError if the temporary file could not be created *) (* REMARKS : Disposes the table if an error occurs *) PROCEDURE AddItem (tab : TabHandle; item : TabItem) : JumpTabErrorCodes; (* Adds an Item to the table by either allocation it in memory or writes it to the *) (* temporary file *) (* IN : item *) (* tab table to which the item should be added *) (* RETURNS : TabNotFound if tab could not be found *) (* NoMemory if there is not enough memory *) PROCEDURE TabSize (tab : TabHandle; VAR size : CARDINAL ) : JumpTabErrorCodes; (* Gives the number of items collected in the table *) (* RETURNS : TabNotFound *) PROCEDURE WriteTab (tab : TabHandle; fileName, tabHeader : ARRAY OF CHAR ) : JumpTabErrorCodes; (* Appends the table tab to the file fileName *) (* IN : tabHeader String which will be written in the header of the table *) (* RETURNS : TabNotFound *) (* FileError if either the file fileName or the temporary item file *) (* could not be written rsp. read *) PROCEDURE ReadTab (fileName : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR tab :TabHandle ) : JumpTabErrorCodes; (* Reads the table tab from the end of the file fileName and builds the table in *) (* memory *) (* RETURNS : TabAlredyExists *) (* NoMemory if there is not enough memory *) (* FileError if the file fileName could not be read *) (* WrongVersion if the JumpTable implementation has the wrong version *) (* WrongMachine if the machine on which the table was generated was not *) (* the same. *) PROCEDURE GetItem (tab : TabHandle; ident : INTEGER; VAR item : TabItem) : JumpTabErrorCodes; (* Searchs the table tab for the first item with identification ident *) (* RETURNS : TabNotFound *) (* WrongMode if the table was genereted with NewTab(..,onFile) *) (* ItemNotFound *) PROCEDURE DisposeTab (tab : TabHandle ) : JumpTabErrorCodes; (* Disposes the table tab *) (* RETURNS : TabNotFound *) END JumpTab.