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DEFINITION MODULE IdentifyPars; (******************************************************************* Module IdentifyPars (Version 1.2) Copyright (c) 1990-2006 by Olivier Roth, Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich. Purpose Identifies parameters of a "ModelWorks" model implemented as a model definition program. Remarks Uses internally the "Dialog Machine", the mandatory client interface of ModelWorks, i.e. SimBase and SimMaster, and from the optional client interface the module SimObjects. Moreover the auxiliary library modules Lists, IRand, and Matrices (actually consisting of many modules). Note, this module exists in several implementation versions, since the more complex identification routines such as Powell have been implemented in form of large libraries. The simple implementation does not import from this package and has therefore the advantage of being much smaller; however, as a consequence, the method Powell can't be used in this version (On the Macintosh check the version text with the Get Info command to verify which version you are currently using). Implementation restriction: A maximum of 1024 parameters can be identified at once. Programming o Design Olivier Roth 19/05/1990 o Implementation Olivier Roth 19/05/1990 Andreas Fischlin 24/01/1993 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 08/06/2002 AF *******************************************************************) TYPE RealFct = PROCEDURE (): REAL; MinMethod = (halfDouble, amoeba, price, random, brent, powell, simplex); (* Description of the different methods can be found in: + Press, H.W., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A. & Vetterling, W.T., 1986, "Numerical Recipes: the Art of Scientific Computing", Cambridge University Press, New York, 818pp. + Price, W.L., 1976, "A controlled random search procedure for global optimisation", The Computer Journal 20(4): 367-370. *) PROCEDURE MarkParForIdentification( VAR p: REAL ); PROCEDURE UnmarkParForIdentification( VAR p: REAL ); PROCEDURE UnmarkAllParsForIdentification; (* maintains a list of parameters which are to be identified later with the identification procedures of this module (see below). You may mark or unmark any parameter from that list by means of the 3 procedures above, given the parameters have been previously declared to ModelWorks by SimBase.DeclP. or interactively by a call to procedure MinimizeAfterDialog (see below). *) PROCEDURE SetDefltMinim( meth: MinMethod; maxIter: INTEGER; convC: REAL ); PROCEDURE GetDefltMinim( VAR meth: MinMethod; VAR maxIter: INTEGER; VAR convC: REAL ); (* Set/get the default minimization method "meth", the default maximum number of iterations "maxIter", and the default convergence criterion value "convC". These procedures are typically called before "MinimizeAfterDialog" to assure meaningfull default settings. *) PROCEDURE MinimizeDialog(VAR method: MinMethod; VAR convC: REAL; VAR maxIter: INTEGER; VAR cancOrNoPs, anyPRChanged: BOOLEAN); (* Opens a scrollable selector box in which you may choose and select (mark) parameters interactively to be identified. The range in which the parameters ought to be identified can also be edited. Typically you call Minimize with the returned parameters unless cancOrNoPs is TRUE (cancOrNoPs denotes either that the user has cancelled the dialog or that she/he has marked no parameters for identification. anyPRChanged returns TRUE only if the user has edited the identification range of some parameters, i.e. the interval in which parameters are to be identified. To learn about which parameters have been marked for identification you can use SimObjects and inspect field chAttr=identify (where identify=1C) in the ObjectHeader of all parameters. Note, any parameter with the identifier "logPIFlagIdent", "ignMVFlagIdent", "scalePIIdent" or with field chAttr = hide, (where hide = 2C), will not be displayed in the parameter list. The parameters with the listed identifiers are reserved for use by auxiliary module IdentParMod. *) PROCEDURE Minimize( method: MinMethod; convC: REAL; maxIter: INTEGER; func: RealFct ); (* Executes all necessary runs to perform an identification. "method" specifies one of the above listed identification methods, "convC" stands for a convergence criterion value, "maxIter" denotes the maximum number of iterations, and "func" is a function procedure returning the value of the performance index by calling e.g. SimRun and then SimDeltaCalc.GetDeltaStat. Note: "maxIter" is NOT the exact maximal number of performed SimRun's, since an iteration consists usually of several runs (depending on the selected identification method). *) PROCEDURE SuppressAllMonitoring; PROCEDURE ResetAllMonitoring; (* Above two procedures are a convenient way to suppress or reset all monitoring during an identification. Typically you call SuppressAllMonitoring just before calling Minimize or ResetAllMonitoring to resume the "normal" monitoring after returning from Minimize. *) PROCEDURE MinimizeAfterDialog( func: RealFct ); (* Calls first MinimizeDialog and then Minimize as given by the returned parameter values. MinimizeAfterDialog operates on the default parameter values. "func" is the procedure computing the performance index (i.e. it calls e.g. SimRun and then SimDeltaCalc.GetDeltaStat). Note that this routine calls first SuppressAllMonitoring before calling Minimize. It also resets all monitoring according to the defaults at the end of Minimize. *) END IdentifyPars.