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DEFINITION MODULE Handlers; (******************************************************************* Module Handlers (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 1997-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich. Purpose Management of event handlers which can be added and removed to particular event classes (dynamic class) by any number of clients and within a multilevel programming environment. Remarks Upon program termination handlers are automatically removed if the program level to which they belong is to be left. Note that whole classes are also automatically removed as a whole when the program level on which they have been instantiated is about to be left. Programming o Design Andreas Fischlin 22/01/1997 o Implementation Andreas Fischlin 22/01/1997 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 04/03/1997 AF *******************************************************************) IMPORT SYSTEM; TYPE Object = SYSTEM.ADDRESS; EventClass; EventHandler = PROC; ObjectEventHandler = PROCEDURE (Object); EvtAcceptTester = PROCEDURE (): BOOLEAN; DoForClassProc = PROCEDURE (EventClass, CARDINAL (*level*)); DoForHandlerProc = PROCEDURE (EventHandler, ObjectEventHandler, BOOLEAN (*hasObject*), INTEGER (*priority*), CARDINAL (*level*) ); CONST topPriority = 0; lowestPriority = MAX(INTEGER); VAR HandlersDone: BOOLEAN; (* read only *) undeclaredClass: EventClass; (* read only *) PROCEDURE DeclareEventClass(VAR class: EventClass); PROCEDURE ClassExists(class: EventClass): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE RemoveEventClass(VAR class: EventClass); PROCEDURE AddEventHandler (class: EventClass; newHdl: EventHandler; priority: INTEGER); PROCEDURE AddObjectEventHandler(class: EventClass; newHdl: ObjectEventHandler; priority: INTEGER); (* highest priority is 0, priorities < 0 are ignored and treated as 0 *) PROCEDURE RemoveEventHandler(class: EventClass; oldHdl: EventHandler); PROCEDURE RemoveObjectEventHandler(class: EventClass; oldHdl: ObjectEventHandler); PROCEDURE ExecuteEventHandlers(class: EventClass; obj: Object; whileNotAccepted: EvtAcceptTester; minLevel, maxLevel: CARDINAL; topPrio, lowPrio: INTEGER); (* Main messages sending routine executing all handlers (methods) currently associated with the event class class. As soon as a handler has definitely accepted an event, procedure whileNotAccepted should return FALSE, so that no more handlers are executed. If an event should be passed on to all its handlers, simply return TRUE unconditionally (see also procedure NotifyAll). Only handlers with a subprogram level (see DMSystem) in range [minLevel..maxLevel] and a priority in the range [topPrio..lowPrio] are actually executed. All handlers falling within a valid range are executed strictly in sequence according to priority. Consequently, depending on the level on which the handler has been added, (sub)program levels may change during execution of this routine. Handlers with an identical priority are executed in reverse order of their declaration. *) PROCEDURE NotifyAll(): BOOLEAN; (* EvtAcceptTester provided for your convenience, returns TRUE always *) PROCEDURE DoForAllClasses(cp: DoForClassProc); PROCEDURE DoForAllHandlers(class: EventClass; hp: DoForHandlerProc); END Handlers.