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DEFINITION MODULE EasyAbout; (******************************************************************* Module EasyAbout (Version 1.0) Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich. Purpose Utilities to manage an about procedure of an application. Remarks -- Programming o Design Andreas Fischlin 11/04/2001 o Implementation Andreas Fischlin 11/04/2001 ETH Zurich Systems Ecology CHN E 35.1 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND URLs: <mailto:RAMSES@env.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch> <http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/RAMSES> Last revision of definition: 13/06/2002 AF *******************************************************************) CONST undefpictureID = 0; PROCEDURE DeclareAbout(title: ARRAY OF CHAR; bodyText: PROC; titleSize, aboutWidth, aboutHeight, leftMargin, rightMargin, pictureID: INTEGER); (* Declares the about procedure having the title 'title' and the body text as generated by procedure bodyText. The title is written in bold and expanded style. In case the actual argument 'title' is the empty string, no title is generated. The bodyText may use any routines from DMWindIO, but typically statements simply call WriteCenteredLn in a sequence. titleSize is the font size with which the title text is written (use 20 or 12). aboutWidth and aboutHeight define the size of the about window in pixels. leftMargin and rightMargin specify the width of the the left and right margins in characters (cf. CellWidth() from DMWindIO). If pictureID is different from undefpictureID, then the predefined pricture referred to by pictureID is displayed in the centre of the about window. It is assumed that the needed picture can be found following the default search strategy (file name is the empty string). Actually DMWindIO.DisplayPredefinedPicture is called, see module DMWindIO for further details. You may use all mechanisms to draw and write at the same time in any combination. Sample code: CONST aboutPicID = 3100; PROCEDURE BodyText; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN (* skip title and authors in default picture *) FOR i := 1 TO 6 DO WriteCenteredLn("") END(*FOR*); (* write version *) WriteCenteredLn("V 1.0 (11.Apr.2001)"); END BodyText; DeclareAbout("RAMSES HFIO Package", BodyText, 19, 336, 158, 8, 3, aboutPictID); *) PROCEDURE WriteCenteredLn (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Write string s on a line of the about procedure in centered alignment mode *) PROCEDURE WriteLeftAdjLn (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Write string s on a line of the about procedure in left alignment mode *) PROCEDURE WriteRightAdjLn (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Write string s on a line of the about procedure in right alignment mode *) PROCEDURE OneLineUp; (* Next call to WriteCenteredLn, WriteLeftAdjLn, or WriteRightAdjLn will write on the same line as has been written before. *) PROCEDURE SetMargins(leftMargin, rightMargin: INTEGER); (* Set margins for subsequent writing by WriteLeftAdjLn and WriteRightAdjLn *) PROCEDURE NoBodyText; END EasyAbout.