Programing, Simulation, and Modeling Software
This is the Detailed Download Page
Easy ModelWorks
DM/MW/AuxLib for Windows
All the software available from this download page is related to RAMSES.
RAMSES is an acronym for
Aids for
Modeling and
Simulation of
Visit the
RAMSES home page
to learn more about it.
All functionality provided by RAMSES
is fully documented and available
for web browsing from RAMSES Objects Reference
(or for
off-line browsing after downloading the
zip archive).
ftp URLs are links that point to optional addons and/or latest
bug fixes (see folder ending with ...addons+fixes) on our anonymous ftp
These days depending on the browser you use the access to our ftp
server may require a ftp client such as the excellent
(Mac) or WinSCP (Windows) or any other ftp client available to you.
Alternatively on a Mac, copy the provided ftp URL and use the Finder's
menu command "Go -> Connect to Server...", paste the ftp URL contained
in the clipboard, connect as a guest user, and enter your name if asked
for a password (the latter conforms to the internet etiquette for
anonymous ftp; should you insist on your privacy, feel free to do so by
entering whatever you like). Note also that ftp – regardless how
outdated it may appear these days – offers the advantage of letting you
see and download the files with the original time stamps.
To unpack sea.bin archives under modern macOS we recommend to
use the excellent utility The Unarchiver from the AppStore
(Note, the free
Stuffit Expander
seems no longer able to extract its own archives).
However, within the recommended Macintosh emulators
Basilisk II,
the downloaded self-extracting archives (.sea) should work fine.
From this site you can download the following software packages
(freeware - copyright authors and ETH Zurich):
Easy ModelWorks
- MacOS,
- MacOS
Includes MacMETH, Dialog Machine,
ModelWorks, ISIS, and
RAMSES Auxiliary Library for Macintosh;
but not RASS.
- MacOS
Some useful additions to RAMSES, like Alpha editor support (M2 mode) for Macintosh.
- MacOS
A fast Modula-2
language system for the Macintosh.
DM, MW, and AuxLib for Windows
- Windows
Includes Dialog Machine, ModelWorks,
and RAMSES Auxiliary Library;
but of course no MacMETH,
and not RASS.
- OS X,
updates and fixes)
Includes Dialog Machine,
ModelWorks, ISIS,
RAMSES Auxiliary Library and
RAMSES Science Library.
The same software is also available from our no-frills
Compact Download Table.
It is particularly handy if you are only updating or are looking for some extra goodies such as
the Alpha Editor Support we provide.
Important Notice for Macintosh Users
Our software runs on all Macintosh, including Intel Macs (latest tested Mac OS X 10.8.2, Intel).
However, there are some caveats to keep in mind:
If you wish to do serious development work with our software and also wish
to execute programs fully interactively, you face constraints. Though it
is true, that you can still run our software on any Mac using the latest OS
X, some of it, notably fully interactive Dialog Machine
programs, require to emulate Classic, which may be tricky, since it is no
longer officially supported by Apple (see below for hints on how to
accomplish this).
Yet another variant is to use only the Batch Dialog Machine, i.e. to
dispense with execution of fully interactive Dialog
Machine programs, and be content with command line execution. RASS-OSX (see
below) offers this. Since our approach to programing is orthogonal with
respect to interactive vs. non-interactive use, this constrain is not
crucial. You can still go anytime back to interactivity, should it become
available again, or vice versa.
When you wish to have full interactivity, we still recommend then to
use whenever possible Classic version MacOS 9.2.2 run within OS X
version 10.4.11 (Tiger)! This is not only easy, but also works
seamlessly. We have several such systems working flawlessly, e.g. our
high-end simulation
server cluster. Note, OS X version 10.4.11 (Tiger) is the last OS X
from Apple still supporting a fully integrated working Classic allowing for
AppleScript commands beeing exchanged between Classic and OS X. This
platform works very well, in particular when the editor AlphaX is used with
our software, and we give still full support for this platform. Note,
however, this also requires your Macintosh is not Intel based, but a Power
PC Mac such as a G5. A fast G5 should serve you still very well.
To the solution for Intel Macs involving emulation: If you have developed
programs using our software, remember that your programs can all also be
run in batch mode. Any Dialog
Machine program made with RAMSES can also be made
with RASS-OSX, which needs no Classic. You only need
to recompile and the resulting programs should run on all Macintosh OS X
computers including Intel based systems. We offer with RASS-OSX a full
featured development system that runs under the latest OS X. Again we
recommend to use AlphaX or AlphaCocoa and its
M2 mode. Any such developed Dialog Machine
program can then be ported back to Classic withouth any change and run
there as well. Note also, that with the latest RASS-OSX you can create universal binary Dialog Machine programs. Such programs execute both on
older PPC Macs as well as newest Intel based Macs.
To profit from all interactive features of our software, however, you still
need Classic. If you wish to merely execute programs under OS X, this can
be easily accomplished in a manner that is almost not noticable to the
end-user of an Intel based OS X Mac. I do this for instance in my courses
using a "Limits
to Growth" world model. Here an overview of all options:
- A Classic disk image ('Classic_Support.dmg.bin') is
available here
(hints on how to
best use this disk image). It is recommended for use on Power PC Macs
running OS X version 10.4.11 (Tiger).
On Intel Macs you can use Classic emulators (open-source, freeware).
According to our tests our software runs fine under all of these
emulators. Depending on the Classic MacOS you wish to use, use either
Basilisk II or SheepShaver, or
Mini vMac. We offer
fully preconfigured and out of the box working solutions, i.e. disk
images, for some of these emulators here
(for copyright reasons access restricted to ETH Zurich members).
Mini vMac works also very well, seems to be rock solid and efficient.
It is best suited to embed individual Classic programs you wish merely to use.
E.g. I use this technique to offer CourseWare
to my students. Since the RAMSES software is backward
compatible to Mac OS 3.2, it is a piece of cake to use such programs
with Mini vMac under Mac OS 6.0.8 (still available from Apple).
Examples are "Limits to Growth" world
model or Easy ModelWorks.
Here you find compact installation instructions for Basilisk II and our hints,
might also help you to get going with Classic emulators. Here some of
the more comprehensive Basilisk II emulator web sites I know of:
EMaculation. offers
most useful information on emulation of the Macintosh in general.
To fully profit from the latest developments we also strongly urge
you to upgrade to the latest versions of our software.
Should you encounter problems, we recommend first to
recompile all your code!
To learn more on these issues
Please, don't hesitate to contact us should
you have more specific questions on compatibility issues or should you make
experiences contrary to the ones described here. Thanks!
Here you can download Easy ModelWorks,
a software that allows you to interactively model and simulate simple
systems, and to explore the behavior of any coupled differential or difference equations in
time and state space.
Easy ModelWorks is the small sister of
ModelWorks, that
forms part of the large, advanced modeling and simulation package
- License: Freeware
- Type: Application, sample models, library
- Platform:
- Mac OS (System 3.2 or greater; under OS X with a PPC Mac it is best to use Classic 9.2.2)
- or
- Mac OS X (Mac OS X using an Intel processor)
- or
- IBM PC Windows (3.1 or greater)
- Version:
- Filename:
- Mac:
- Windows:
- Download size:
- Mac: 478 KB (in MacBinary (.bin) format)
- Windows: 402 KB
- Unpacked Size: <1.4 MB
- Read Me:
- Home
- Developers
Click on following buttons to download the latest version of Easy ModelWorks (Custom Download):
Macintosh full Version |
Windows Ecology Version |
Macintosh OS X/Intel Version:
Windows Control Theory Version
Here you can download RAMSES
Aids for
Modeling and
Simulation of
a generic modeling and simulation environment.
This release is a superset of
the Dialog Machine,
the RAMSES Auxiliary Library,
ModelWorks (the big sister of
Easy ModelWorks),
plus ISIS
(Integrative Systems Implementation Software) and the
For advanced users are also add-ons separately available
(RAMSES Extras).
- License: Freeware
- Type: Application (shell) including full development environment (compiler, linker, debugger, editor, libraries, sample code etc.)
- Version:
- Platform: Macintosh
- System software requirements: 3.2 and greater (at least 7 recommended;
latest tested: 7.6.1 - 9.2.2 native and OS X 10.4.11 having Classic installed, with Basilisks OS X 10.8.2)
- Development environment:
- Filename:
- Download Size: ~5 MB (in MacBinary (.bin) format)
- Unpacked Size:~13 MB (HFS+) / ~40.4 MB (HFS)
- Read Me:
- Other documentations:
RAMSES Install&Tech Report:
MacMETH Read Me:
On the Dialog Machine:
On ModelWorks:
- Home:
- Developers
Click on following button to download the latest version of RAMSES:
For BinHex (.hqx) format
click here and use Custom Download
Be aware, that there could be
additional UPDATES on our ftp server:
ftp URL
Here you can download the RAMSES Extras,
i.e. optional extras to be added on top of the standard
software package (more Research Aids for Modeling
and Simulation of Environmental Systems).
- License: Freeware
- Type: Applications, library modules, control panels, programs, script files
- Version:
- Platform: Macintosh
- System software requirements: 3.2 or greater (at least System 7 recommended)
- Development environment:
- Filename:
- Download size: 2.8 MB (in MacBinary (.bin) format)
- Unpacked Size: 5.5 MB (HFS+) / 11.4 MB (HFS)
- Read Me:
- Home
- Developers
Main add-ons in RAMSES Extras:
- Alpha
Editor Support
(M2 Mode
- Modula-2 mode).
With latest Alpha releases (> version 7.5) and AlphaX, there is actually no need to install the M2 mode manually.
With the modern AlphaCocoa this is different.
- Extra tools such as RMSMacMETH (a special version of the MacMETH shell,
useful for advanced programmers), an import analyzer, cross-reference generators
- Additional auxilary modules, e.g. a spread-sheet like matrix editor
- Additional MacMETH and
Dialog Machine modules
- and many more ...
Click on following button to download the latest version of the RAMSES Extras:
For BinHex (.hqx) format
click here and use Custom Download
Be aware, that there could be additional UPDATES on our ftp server:
ftp URL.
Here you can download the MacMETH,
a fast Modula-2 language system for Macintosh computers.
Note, the entire MacMETH software and documentation is also available as part
- License: Freeware
- Type: Application (shell), subprograms (compiler, linker, debugger), and libraries
- Version:
- Platform: Mac
- System software requirements: 3.2 or later (at least 7 recommended)
- Development environment:
- Filename:
- Download size: ~850 KB (in MacBinary (.bin) format)
- Unpacked Size: 2.1 MB
- Read Me:
- Home
- Developers
Click on following button to download the latest version of MacMETH:
For BinHex (.hqx) format
click here and use Custom Download
Be aware, that there could be
additional UPDATES on our ftp server:
ftp URL.
Dialog Machine,
ModelWorks, and
Auxiliary Library
for Windows
Here you can download the Dialog Machine,
ModelWorks, and the
RAMSES Auxiliary Library for Windows.
All public interfaces are identical to the software as released for the Macintosh platform.
Consequently you can develop for example the implementation of a dynamic model on a Macintosh
and port it in source code form to an IBM PC or vice versa. You have only to make sure that
you build your implementation by using only the interfaces and functionality of
the Dialog Machine, ModelWorks, or the
RAMSES Auxiliary Library.
The resulting code should then be highly portable among all three supported platforms,
i.e. Macintosh, IBM PC, and Unix.
(Note, on the Macintosh platform the Dialog Machine,
and RAMSES Auxiliary Library form part
of RAMSES and are released as one big package only).
- License: Freeware
- Type: Libraries and sample applications
- Version:
- Platform: IBM PC
- System software requirements: Windows 3.1, WfW 3.11, Windows9x, Windows 2000, ME, NT, and XP
- Development environment:
Stony Brook Modula-2
[further info]
- Filename:
- Download size: 2.6 MB
- Unpacked Size: 5.2 MB
- Home:
- Developers
Click on following button to download the latest version of this software for Windows: |
Get the installation text: |
Be aware, that there could be additional UPDATES on our ftp server:
ftp URL.
Previous versions are also available on our ftp server.
Here you can download RASS,
the RAMSES Simulation Server.
- License: Freeware
- Type: RASS utilities and all libraries (all RAMSES software mentioned above, interfaces identical)
- Version:
3.6.1 (OSX)
3.6.0 (Sun)
(full functionality from Tiger to Mojave: Build on Mountain Lion for Tiger, build on Snow Leopard for Mojave!)
- Platform: OS X (Macintosh PPC and Intel, universal binary) or Sun Solaris (SPARC)
- System software requirements: OS X 10.2 or later (at least 10.4.11 recommended) or Solaris 5 or later (at least 9 recommended)
- Latest tested: OS X 10.14.6 (Mojave) (RASS-OSX) / Solaris 9 (RASS-Sun)
- Development environments:
p1 Modula-2 (OS X) or EPC Modula-2 (Sun Solaris)
[further info]
- Latest tested: p1 9.0.2 (needed for universal binary building), Xcode 2.5, 3.2.6, and 4.6 (RASS-OSX) Solaris 9 (RASS-Sun)
- Filename:
- Size: ~21.7 MB (RASS-OSX) ~38 MB (RASS-Sun)
- Download size (zipped tar): ~6 (RASS-OSX) ~14 MB (RASS-Sun)
- Read Me:
Sun Solaris
- Other documentations:
- Home
- Developers
Click on one of the following buttons to download the latest version of RASS:
Be aware, that there could be additional UPDATES on our ftp server:
ftp URL.