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Examples (DM Snippets)
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Dialog Machine Snippets
File I/O
Entry Forms (elementary data types)
Dynamic Entry Forms
1 - IntroductionThe following code snippets demonstrate the typical usage of the Dialog Machine. Under a given header they provide copy and paste snippets for the necessary imports, constant or variable declarations plus the typical statements required to implement the desired function.
Dialog Machine Version 3.0
2 - Files(*----------------------------------------------------*) (*===== Open an existing file without dialog =====*) (*----------------------------------------------------*) FROM DMLanguage IMPORT fileResBase; FROM DMMessages IMPORT DoInform; FROM DMFiles IMPORT TextFile, neverOpenedFile, Lookup, Response, Close; VAR myFile: TextFile; myFile.filename := "The File"; Lookup(myFile,myFile.filename,FALSE(*new*)); IF (myFile.res=done) THEN (*. *** read from it as you want *** .*) ELSE (* an error occurred *) DoInform(fileResBase+ORD(myFile.res), "MyModule","MyProcedure",myFile.filename); END(*IF*); myFile := neverOpenedFile; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) (*===== Open a new (or overwrite existing) file without dialog =====*) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) FROM DMLanguage IMPORT fileResBase; FROM DMMessages IMPORT DoInform; FROM DMFiles IMPORT TextFile, neverOpenedFile, Lookup, Response, Close; VAR myFile: TextFile; myFile.filename := "The File"; Lookup(myFile,myFile.filename,TRUE(*new*)); IF (myFile.res=done) THEN (*. *** write on it as you want *** .*) ELSE (* an error occurred *) DoInform(fileResBase+ORD(myFile.res), "MyModule","MyProcedure",myFile.filename); END(*IF*); myFile := neverOpenedFile; (*---------------------------------------------------*) (*===== Open a file with dialog for reading =====*) (*---------------------------------------------------*) FROM DMLanguage IMPORT allOk, fileResBase; FROM DMMessages IMPORT DoInform; FROM DMFiles IMPORT TextFile, neverOpenedFile, GetExistingFile, Response, Close; VAR myFile: TextFile; resCode: INTEGER; GetExistingFile(myFile,"Please select file 'The File'"); IF (myFile.res=done) THEN (*. *** read from it as you want *** .*) ELSIF (myFile.res<>cancelled) THEN (* an error occurred *) resCode := fileResBase+ORD(myFile.res); DoInform(resCode,"MyModule","MyProcedure",myFile.filename); ELSE (*. restore or do nothing, since cancelled .*) END(*IF*); myFile := neverOpenedFile; (*---------------------------------------------------*) (*===== Open a file with dialog for writing =====*) (*---------------------------------------------------*) FROM DMLanguage IMPORT allOk, fileResBase; FROM DMMessages IMPORT DoInform; FROM DMStrings IMPORT AssignString; FROM DMFiles IMPORT TextFile, neverOpenedFile, CreateNewFile, Response, Close; VAR myFile: TextFile; resCode: INTEGER; CreateNewFile(myFile,"Save as",myFile.filename); IF (myFile.res=done) THEN (*. *** write to it as you want *** .*) ELSIF (myFile.res<>cancelled) THEN (* an error occurred *) resCode := fileResBase+ORD(myFile.res); DoInform(resCode,"MyModule","MyProcedure",myFile.filename); ELSE (*. restore or do nothing, since cancelled .*) END(*IF*); myFile := neverOpenedFile; AssignString("DefaultName",myFile.filename); 3 - File I/O(*-----------------------------------*) (*===== Reading from a file =====*) (*-----------------------------------*) FROM DMFiles IMPORT TextFile, neverOpenedFile, Lookup, GetExistingFile, Response, Close, IsOpen, EOF, EOL, ReadChar; (* the following snippet assumes the file is already open *) PROCEDURE ReadLn (VAR f: TextFile; VAR line: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i,n: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN (* ReadLn *) line[0] := 0C; IF NOT IsOpen(f) OR EOF(f) THEN RETURN END; n := HIGH(line); i := 0; ReadChar(f,ch); WHILE (i<=n) AND (ch<>EOL) AND NOT EOF(f) DO line[i] := ch; ReadChar(f,ch); INC(i); END(*WHILE*); IF i<=n THEN line[i] := 0C END; END ReadLn; 4 - Windows(*-------------------------------*) (*===== Create a window =====*) (*-------------------------------*) FROM DMWindows IMPORT Window, WindowsDone, notExistingWindow, WindowKind, ScrollBars, CloseAttr, ZoomAttr, WFFixPoint, WindowFrame, CreateWindow, AutoRestoreProc; FROM DMWindIO IMPORT BackgroundWidth, BackgroundHeight; VAR myWindow: Window; PROCEDURE MakeMyWindow; VAR wf: WindowFrame; BEGIN wf.x := margin; wf.y := margin; wf.w := BackgroundWidth()-2*margin; wf.h := BackgroundHeight()-2*margin; CreateWindow(myWindow, GrowOrShrinkOrDrag, WithoutScrollBars, WithCloseBox, WithZoomBox, bottomLeft, wf, "MyWindow", AutoRestoreProc); IF WindowsDone THEN (*. AddWindowHandler(.., SetWindowFont(... or any other action depending on the existence of the window myWindow .*) END(*IF*); END MakeMyWindow; myWindow := notExistingWindow; MakeMyWindow; 5 - Entry Forms (elementary data types)(*---------------------------------------*) (*===== Entry forms - INTEGER =====*) (*---------------------------------------*) FROM DMEntryForms IMPORT FormFrame, WriteLabel, DefltUse, UseEntryForm, IntField, LongRealField, CheckBox, StringField, CharField; VAR theInt: INTEGER; PROCEDURE DoEntryForm; CONST lem = 5; tab = 30; VAR ef: FormFrame; ok: BOOLEAN; cl: INTEGER; BEGIN (*DoEntryForm*) cl := 2; WriteLabel(cl,lem,"Title"); INC(cl); WriteLabel(cl,lem,"DescriptionOfInteger"); IntField(cl,tab,7,theInt,useAsDeflt,MIN(INTEGER),MAX(INTEGER)); INC(cl); ef.x:= 0; ef.y:= -1 (*display entry form in middle of screen*); ef.lines:= cl+1; ef.columns:= 55; UseEntryForm(ef,ok); END DoEntryForm; (*------------------------------------*) (*===== Entry forms - REAL =====*) (*------------------------------------*) VAR theReal: LONGREAL; (*. insert in DoEntryForm (see above) following editable field .*) WriteLabel(cl,lem,"DescriptionOfReal"); LongRealField(cl,tab,7,theReal,useAsDeflt,minTheReal,maxTheReal); INC(cl); (*--------------------------------------------------*) (*===== Entry forms - CheckBox (BOOLEAN) =====*) (*--------------------------------------------------*) VAR theOptionFlag: BOOLEAN; (*. insert in DoEntryForm (see above) following editable field .*) CheckBox(cl,lem,"DescriptionOfOption",theOptionFlag); INC(cl); (*--------------------------------------*) (*===== Entry forms - String =====*) (*--------------------------------------*) VAR theString: ARRAY [0..hi] OF CHAR; CONST fieldwidth = 20; (*. insert in DoEntryForm (see above) following editable field .*) StringField(cl,tab,fieldwidth,theString,useAsDeflt); INC(cl); (*------------------------------------*) (*===== Entry forms - CHAR =====*) (*------------------------------------*) VAR theChar: CHAR; (*. add in DoEntryForm (see above) following constant(s) .*) anyCharLegal = 177C; (* any char is legal, even none *) just1CharLegal = ""; (* any char is legal, but one must be entered *) (*. insert in DoEntryForm (see above) following editable field .*) WriteLabel(cl,lem,"Character"); CharField(cl,tab,theChar,useAsDeflt,legalCharset); INC(cl); (*---------------------------------------------*) (*===== Entry forms - Radio Buttons =====*) (*---------------------------------------------*) FROM DMEntryForms IMPORT RadioButtonID, DefineRadioButtonSet, RadioButton, FormFrame, WriteLabel, DefltUse, UseEntryForm; TYPE ColorChoices = (brownish, greenish); (* extend at your heart's content *) VAR curCol: ColorChoices; TYPE Choices = ColorChoices; (*. equivalent local type with yours .*) PROCEDURE DoEntryForm(VAR curChoice(*In/Out*): Choices); CONST lem = 5; tab = 30; VAR ef: FormFrame; ok: BOOLEAN; cl: INTEGER; makeChoiceRadButSet: RadioButtonID; radBut: ARRAY [MIN(Choices)..MAX(Choices)] OF RadioButtonID; radButTxt: ARRAY [MIN(Choices)..MAX(Choices)] OF ARRAY [0..31] OF CHAR; PROCEDURE MakeRadButtonSet(curChoice: Choices); VAR ci: Choices; BEGIN (* MakeRadButtonSet *) DefineRadioButtonSet(makeChoiceRadButSet); FOR ci := MIN(Choices) TO MAX(Choices) DO RadioButton( radBut[ci], cl, lem, radButTxt[ci]); INC(cl); END(*FOR*); makeChoiceRadButSet := radBut[curChoice]; END MakeRadButtonSet; PROCEDURE WhichChoice(chosenRBut: RadioButtonID; rb: ARRAY OF RadioButtonID): Choices; VAR i: Choices; BEGIN (* WhichChoice *) i := MIN(Choices); WHILE (i 6 - Dynamic Entry FormsFROM DMLanguage IMPORT okButtonText, cancelButtonText; FROM DMWindows IMPORT Window, WindowFrame, ModalWindowKind, ScrollBars, CreateModalWindow, UseWindowModally, AutoRestoreProc, RemoveWindow; FROM DMWindIO IMPORT SelectForOutput, SetWindowFont, WindowFont, FontStyle, CellWidth, BackgroundWidth, BackgroundHeight, SetPen, WriteString; FROM DMEditFields IMPORT EditItem, MakeIntField, IsInteger, MakePushButton, UseAsDefaultButton, SelectField; VAR theInt1: INTEGER; theInt2: INTEGER; TYPE MyModalDialog = RECORD myEntryForm: Window; wf: WindowFrame; acceptIt, cancelled, entryFormOk: BOOLEAN; okBut, cancelBut: EditItem; (*. from here on insert your dialog specific objects .*) middle, yTxtLn: INTEGER; oldInt1: INTEGER; intF1: EditItem; oldInt2: INTEGER; intF2: EditItem; myBut: EditItem; (*. define more of your own objects ad libitum .*) (*. ... .*) END (* RECORD *); VAR mdlg: MyModalDialog; PROCEDURE DoOk; BEGIN (* get possibly edited, new values *) mdlg.acceptIt := IsInteger(mdlg.intF1, theInt1) AND IsInteger(mdlg.intF2, theInt2); (*. possibly make further tests, e.g. conistency tests, before accepting the values definitely .*) END DoOk; PROCEDURE DoCancel; BEGIN mdlg.cancelled:=TRUE; (* restore old values *) theInt1:= mdlg.oldInt1; theInt2:= mdlg.oldInt2; END DoCancel; PROCEDURE DoMyButton; BEGIN (*. your statements .*) (*. e.g. .*) SelectForOutput(mdlg.myEntryForm); SetPen(mdlg.middle, mdlg.yTxtLn); WriteString("Hello"); END DoMyButton; PROCEDURE DoModalDialog; CONST leftMarg = 14; lineH = 22; butWidth = 75; intFW = 6; VAR x,y: INTEGER; BEGIN (* save old values *) mdlg.oldInt1:=theInt1; mdlg.oldInt2:=theInt2; (* determine size and position of modal dialog (entry form) and open window *) mdlg.wf.w:=360; mdlg.wf.h:=150; mdlg.wf.x := (BackgroundWidth()-mdlg.wf.w) DIV 2; mdlg.wf.y := (BackgroundHeight()-mdlg.wf.h) DIV 2; CreateModalWindow(mdlg.myEntryForm, SingleFrameShadowed, WithoutScrollBars, mdlg.wf, AutoRestoreProc); SetWindowFont(Chicago, 12, FontStyle{}); mdlg.middle := (mdlg.wf.w-6*CellWidth()) DIV 2; (* display editing fields for each variable you wish to edit *) x := leftMarg; y := mdlg.wf.h-lineH; SetPen(x,y); WriteString("Integer 1 (theInt1)"); x := mdlg.middle; MakeIntField(mdlg.myEntryForm, mdlg.intF1, x, y, intFW, theInt1, 0, 10); x := leftMarg; y := y - lineH; SetPen(x,y); WriteString("Integer 2 (theInt2)"); x := mdlg.middle; MakeIntField(mdlg.myEntryForm, mdlg.intF2, x, y, intFW, theInt2, MIN(INTEGER), MAX(INTEGER)); x := leftMarg; y := y - lineH-11; mdlg.yTxtLn := y; MakePushButton(mdlg.myEntryForm, mdlg.myBut, x, y, butWidth DIV CellWidth(), "Say it", DoMyButton); (*. define your own fields ad libitum .*) (*. ... .*) (* make standard Ok and Cancel buttons *) MakePushButton(mdlg.myEntryForm, mdlg.okBut, mdlg.wf.w-butWidth-leftMarg, lineH, butWidth DIV CellWidth(), okButtonText, DoOk); UseAsDefaultButton(mdlg.okBut); MakePushButton(mdlg.myEntryForm, mdlg.cancelBut, leftMarg, lineH, butWidth DIV CellWidth(), cancelButtonText, DoCancel); (* place cursor into e.g. the first editable field or wherever you wish *) SelectField(mdlg.intF1); (* fire up the modal dialog *) UseWindowModally(mdlg.myEntryForm, mdlg.acceptIt, mdlg.cancelled); (* dialog has finished, clean up *) RemoveWindow(mdlg.myEntryForm); mdlg.entryFormOk := NOT mdlg.cancelled; IF mdlg.entryFormOk AND mdlg.acceptIt THEN (*. do postprocessing if necessary .*) END(*IF*); END DoModalDialog; 7 - Keyboard Usage and Portable Programing(*------------------------------------------------------*) (*===== Programing special characters portably =====*) (*------------------------------------------------------*) FROM DMKeyChars IMPORT ProgrammedOn, ComputerPlatform, BestCH; VAR bullet: CHAR; ProgrammedOn(Mac); bullet := BestCH(245C); (* = CHR(165) = "•" (on Mac only) *) (* NOTE: don't program bullet := BestCH("•"), since some transfer techniques such as WINFTP (Windows ftp) alter the source code when transfering it from one machine to the other *) (*-----------------------------*) (*===== Key shortcuts =====*) (*-----------------------------*) FROM DMMaster IMPORT AddKeyboardHandler, InspectKey, KeyAccepted; FROM DMKeyChars IMPORT command, capslock, shift; PROCEDURE MyKeyboardHandler; VAR ch: CHAR; m: BITSET; BEGIN (* MyKeyboardHandler *) InspectKey(ch, m); ch := CAP(ch); (* case insensitive *) IF (m={command,shift}) AND (ch="H") THEN KeyAccepted; (*. *** do what you want *** .*) END(*IF*); END MyKeyboardHandler; PROCEDURE InstallMyKeyboardHandler; CONST lowPriority = (MAX(INTEGER) DIV 4) * 3; BEGIN (* InstallMyKeyboardHandler *) AddKeyboardHandler(MyKeyboardHandler,lowPriority); END InstallMyKeyboardHandler; (*-----------------------------------*) (*===== Portable programing =====*) (*-----------------------------------*) FROM DMStrings IMPORT FindInString; FROM DMSystem IMPORT GetComputerName, ComputerSystem, SUN, IBMPC, IBMRisc6000; PROCEDURE RunsOnAMac(): BOOLEAN; VAR cn: ARRAY [0..3] OF CHAR; macInName: BOOLEAN; fst,lst, cs: INTEGER; BEGIN (* RunsOnAMac *) GetComputerName(cn); macInName:= (CAP(cn[0])="M") AND (CAP(cn[1])="A") AND (CAP(cn[2])="C"); fst := 0; lst := 0; macInName := macInName OR FindInString(cn,"Mac",fst,lst); cs := ComputerSystem(); RETURN macInName OR (cs |
RAMSES@env.ethz.ch | Last modified 1/30/23 | [Top of page] |