Dear User: SHYPFIT for MS-DOS is stored as a self-extracting LHA archive which is publicly available from BAIKAL at ITOE, ETH Zuerich. To get and run SHYPFIT, follow the following steps. 1. On your local machine, set the default directory to the root directory or to your personal user directory. 2. Log in at BAIKAL at Schlieren via FTP by typing FTP user: ftp password: Change to remote directory ./pub/pc/shypfit by typing cd pub/pc/shypfit Set transfer mode to binary by typing bin Fetch the two remote files by typing mget *.* or with the commands get readme.1st get shypinst.exe Leave FTP by typing quit 3. If required, copy the two files in binary mode to a chosen parent directory on your PC. 4. To install SHYPFIT on the DOS machine, type: SHYPINST Upon execution this will generate on your disk below the current directory a subdirectory with the name SHYPFIT and place the program executables, the documentation and some additional files in it. 5. Read the newly created file READ.ME on the new subdirectory .\SHYPFIT. BUG REPORTS and SUGGESTIONS: please contact me at Wolfgang Durner, 20.12.1993