This document is a step-by-step tutorial for designing and serving graphical maps of information resources with either the external imagemap CGI script or with the built in imagemap support in NCSA HTTPd 1.5. Through such a map, users can be provided with a graphical overview of any set of information resources; by clicking on different parts of the overview image, they can transparently access any of the information resources (possibly spread out all across the Internet).
This tutorial assumes use of NCSA HTTPd
version 1.0a5 or later. To use the internal imagemap support, you need
NCSA HTTPd 1.5. Some other servers (e.g. Plexus, Apache, Netsite) can also
serve imagemaps, in server-specific ways; see the specific server's
docs for more information.
Make sure you have a
working NCSA HTTPd server installed and running.
This tutorial also assumes use of a browser that supports inlined images, server side imagemapping and HTTP/1.0 URL Redirection.
Compiling the Imagemap Script
If you downloaded or pre-compiled NCSA HTTPd server, or compiled your own,
chances are the imagemap program was automatically compiled and added to
your cgi-bin directory. If so, you can skip this step. If not, you can
download the current imagemap.c from here.
Compile the imagemap script by first changing into your ServerRoot directory,
and then into the cgi-src subdirectory. Put the new imagemap.c source
in place of the old one (if you have the old version of imagemap.c) and then,
type make imagemap
and you should be all set.
There are a number of image creation and editing programs that will
work nicely -- the one I use is called xpaint (I don't know
where its home page is anymore). You can get it
It's for UNIX systems running an X interface.
This file maps regions to URLs for the given image.
For a list of tools that may help you create a map file, see
Yahoo's Imagemap Directory.
For instance, there is a program called mapedit that you could use.
A common scheme for an imagemap is a collection of points, polygons,
rectangles and circles, each containing a short text description of
some piece of information or some information server; interconnections
are conveyed through lines or arcs. Try to keep the individual items
in the map spaced out far enough so a user will clearly know what he or
she is clicking on.
Lines beginning with # are comments. Every other non-blank line
consists of the following:
otherwise access will be denied.
Here is an
example imagemap linked from the Mosaic Demo page.
Here is what a map file looks like:
The format is fairly straightforward. The first line specifies the
default response (the file to be returned if the region of the image
in which the user clicks doesn't correspond to anything).
Subsequent lines specify rectangles in the image that correspond to
arbitrary URLs -- for the first of these lines, the rectangle
specified by
So, what you need to do is find the upper-left and lower-right corners
of a rectangle for each information resource in your image map. A
good tool to use on UNIX for this is xv (also on in
/contrib) -- pop up the Info window and draw rectangles
over the image with the middle mouse button.
It doesn't matter what you name your map file, but it does matter
where you put it! Specifically, you cannot have your mapfile reside
in the in the top-level of the DocumentRoot, because the imagemap CGI program will not see a "/" in the extra
To reference your new map, you
construct URLs pointing to it.
For example, if your username is
The extra
Or, using the internal imagemap support of NCSA HTTPd 1.5:
Load the HTML file, look at the inlined image, click somewhere, and see what
In order to enable the internal imagemap code, the server must be compiled
Then, you can reference the map file directly in your HTML instead of
through the imagemap script, ie:
Your First Imagemap
In this section we walk through the steps needed to get an initial
image map up and running.
First: create an image.
Second: create an imagemap
map file.
method URL coord1 coord2 ... coordn
upper-left lower-right
default /X11/mosaic/public/none.html
rect 15,8 135,39
rect gopher:// 245,86 504,143
rect 117,122 175,158
of the upper-left
corner, in pixels) and 135,39
(lower-right corner)
corresponds to URL
that you are referencing. If this doesn't make sense to you, then just trust me: place your map file in a subdirectory.
Third: referencing your
imagemap in your HTML file.
and you have created a
file in the directory called
in your public_html
home directory, and used the image sample.gif
the map, the following line of HTML
will reference it:
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="/~newbie/gifs/sample.gif" ISMAP>
after the /cgi-bin/imagemap
tells the imagemap program where to find your map file. You'll note that it is possible to request the map file itself by simply requesting:
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="/~newbie/gifs/sample.gif" ISMAP>
Fourth: Try it out!
Internal Imagemap Support
With NCSA HTTPd 1.5, the server can now handle imagemap queries without
launching the external imagemap script. This provides for a faster
mechanism and decreased server load.
defined. This is the default. Also,
you need to add the magic mime type for the imagemap files in much the
same way you would for CGI scripts:
AddType text/x-imagemap .map
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="/~newbie/gifs/sample.gif" ISMAP>
A Complete Example
The fish demo
in another section of this manual used the following configuration files:
Map Configuration File
The map configuration file used for this
picture was rather lengthy. I used xv
to get the
coordinates. Reference the map in HTML document:
<A HREF="/cgi-bin/imagemap/docs/info/"><IMG SRC="fish33.gif" ISMAP>
Real-World Examples
Following are examples of distributed imagemaps on servers in the
real world; they may or may not work at any point in time.
For More Information
For more information, see the NCSA HTTPd
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